D&D’s Next Book, 40K’s Custodes & Sisters New Rules & One Badass Lady Catachan

What a weekend we had gamers. D&D’s next book has been revealed, 40K’s newest characters look great, the Seraphon are coming, and we get a dose of Star Wars Legion, and one all new AMAZING female Catachan! Also Pimpcron and Milla Jovovich.
D&D BREAKING: New Book Leaked – Mythic Odysseys Of Theros
An accidental leak from Penguin Random House revealed an unexpected new D&D/M:tG crossover book in May: Mythic Odysseys of Theros.
Pimpcron: AoS or 40K – Which is Better?
Pimpcron takes it all apart for you.
Fantasy Flight Games: New Releases – Star Wars: Legion Units & More
It’s a new weekend and reinforcements have arrived for Star Wars: Legion! Check out what’s in stores now.

Warhammer 40K: Valerian & Aleya – Talons of the Emperor Unboxed
A pair of new characters have jumped off the pages and onto the tabletop. Check out Valerian and Aleya in plastic!
D&D: How To Play Against The Grain And Still Have Fun
We’ve all been there, the party is playing a bunch of detectives, but all you want is to play John Cena. Here’s how you can make it work.
AoS: List Of The Week – How The Tzeentch Stole Sigmas
Tzeentch keeps the top spot for a change, this week. Find out more as we bring you the top championship list in Age of Sigmar – brought to you by BCP.
RPG: Take A Look At Cyberpunk Red’s New Miniatures
Monster Fight Club, makers of fine scenery and terrain, have unveiled a gallery of new, official Cyberpunk Red miniatures. Come take a look.
Geekery: That’s a Very Large Sword You Have There, Milla
Paul W.S. Anderson continues his video game adaptation addiction with Monster Hunter. Milla Jovovich and Muay Thai legend Tony Jaa team up to fight some enormous monsters with incredible powers in this take on Capcom’s RPG.
Warhammer 40K: Talons Of The Emperor – Valerian And Aleya’s Rules
Valerian and Aleya are the Talons of the Emperor, and today we’ve got a look at their new rules. Come and see how sharp are the Talons of the Emperor.
Warhammer Next Week: Seraphon Battletome And Terrain At Last Also New Start Collecting Kits
The Seraphon are coming next week, with some new Terrain and a new Battletome. Alongside that, a whole bunch of new start collecting boxes.