Five D&D Homebrew Classes To Make Your Sessions A Little More Creative

The standard D&D classes are fine; I’d even call them great. But don’t you sometimes wish you could play something a little more out there?
I love a well-implemented homebrew element in my tabletop games. Sure, the book’s guidelines are wonderful and they’re there for a reason, but house rules and specialty characters, weapons, and locations always make the game feel more fleshed out and unique. If you’re looking to bring a little something special to your campaign, these classes and subclasses might just hit the bulls-eye.
Created by Reddit user impersonater, the Princess class is a little different from any I’ve seen before. Combining the musically powered, animal befriending charm you would expect of a Disney princess, and the diplomacy and leadership of Leia (also technically a Disney princess), this class allows for you to make a character with poise and elegance and who definitely doesn’t need to be rescued. Princess varieties include Fairy Tale, Warrior, and Noble and, honestly, all make me wish I’d known about this homebrew before I’d made any of my last three D&D characters.
Archaeologist is a background that you can pick for your character currently in 5E, but it hasn’t added much to my character personally besides a half-decent argument for advantage on a few rolls. What if instead you could actually dig up dinosaur bones… and resurrect them?! This homebrew class lets you pick from the Plunderer, Lore Master, or “dead raising Paleontologist” specializations for a combination of scholar, explorer, fighter, and maybe a touch of necromancy.
Magic Moon Sorcerer
I’ve seen a few options for making your average magical girl within D&D, and there is no wrong way to enjoy your TTRPGs, but the Magic Moon Sorcerer is my personal favorite. Your character could have a magical animal companion and guide, a sparkly transformation sequence (that gives you armor boosts), thirteen bespoke spells, and the themed wands of your dreams.
The College of Drag Bard
Is your bard brimming with charisma and looking to specialize in fierce and fabulous in a way that just isn’t available to you in the standard bard colleges? Well, I may have just the homebrew subclass for you. If your game needs a little more magic and a lot of camp and you’re looking to have more fun at the table, give this college a try.
The Drunkard
This homebrew class looks ridiculous and I think that’s what I like about it. It requires you toe the line between buzzed enough to be loose and unconscious as a low AC but melee heavy character. Perhaps you’re looking at this and thinking, “But somebody at my table would try to play this class and they’d just be… too much,” and that’s understandable. This class probably isn’t for everyone or every campaign. But for those certain groups, this could make for a very fun character. Also, I read the description of this and thought “Ahh yes, Bender the Robot,” which is always good for a chuckle.
Have you ever incorporated a homebrew class or mechanic into your game? Which one? How did it work out? Let us know in the comments.
Happy Adventuring!