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Goatboy’s 40K: My Blood & Gold Go-to List

3 Minute Read
Mar 13 2020
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What’s red and gold and kills things dead? My latest grimdark concoction is fast and hits like ton of bricks!

Goatboy here and lately I have had some fun with some Custodes bikers.  I don’t think they are the most amazing things on the block – as massed bolter fire used to be interesting but if you don’t get extra -1 AP and other fun stuff it is not nearly as interesting as their Marine brothers.  Still they are fun, move fast, and can hit like a ton of bricks.  I like how they look and I think with a few FW goodies the army becomes kind of ok to play with.  I threw in some Blood Angel friends as I just love doing dumb stuff with their Slam Captain and my future Librarian Dreadnought I painted up last week.

With that in mind let’s spit out the list. The idea is to use the superior flying power of Custodes bikers mixed with some interesting punch and staying power from the two “slams” from the Blood Angels book.  The only FW thing are the 3 bikers with better guns to help deal with some annoying boxes that mights how up from time to time.

Red & Gold Baby!

Outrider Detachment – Custodes – +1CP

Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jet Bike – Misercoidia, Warlord – Superior Creation, Relic – Auric Aquilas – 163pts
Inquisitor Ordo Malleus in Terminator Armor – Daemon Hammer – Terrify – 111pts

Vertus Praetors X 5 – Hurricane Bolters X 5, Misericordia X 5 – 465
Vertus Praetors X 5 – Hurricane Bolters X 5, Misericordia X 5 – 465
Agamatus Custodians X 3 – Twin Las-Pulsar X 3 – 345pts


Blood Angels Battalion – +5CP

Captain – Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, Death Visions of Sanguinius (-1CP) – 143pts
Librarian Dreadnought – Unleash Rage, Wings of Sanguinius – 142pts

Scout Squad X 5 – 55pts
Scout Squad X 5 – 55pts
Scout Squad X 5 – 55pts

PTS – 1999 CP +7CP


Depending on if I need the no overwatch jump pack on the Slam Captain I could go down to 1 CP.  The Inquisitor gives me another no Overwatch ability as well – plus he is in annoying armor that can Deep strike down and make sure he is in range for his Psychic powers.  It also gives me a change to make a cool set of Terminator armor with a smaller head and other neat options.  I have a few things laying around that could let me go hog wild on building something unique.  Maybe try to update the Storm Bolter to look different, throw some Servo skull things on him, and make him look just unique.  The list is built with some big bodies that move fast.  The 3 FW bikes are there to throw out some much needed Strength 8 shooting mixed with some combat abilities kin to the biker squads.  Will see what the rumored Talon’s of the Emperor book gives them (Shock Assault, Bolter Drill, more super moves).


Next week I expect a Space Wolves army to come out of my head with the book reaching our greedy little hands.  Or maybe a look at some the current Grey Knight armies mixing 20 Terminators with 10 Paladins.

~Any army list requests? Throw your faction requests in the comments and I’ll see what I can come up with!

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