Op-Ed: Tabletop Gaming in a Time of Quarantine

Billions across the planet are staying in place at home in the face of the COVID19 Pandemic. Here’s are thoughts on tabletop gaming and ways for us all to adjust to the new normal in the interim.
Welcome to the New Normal
First a quick housekeeping note. As of this week, BoLS has moved to telecommuting. Safety comes first, so the entire staff is locked down in their homes and we are making adjustments to working in an all new remote environment. Bear with us while we get used to this and know that we are fully committed to bringing you regular coverage day and day out as the world makes it way through the emergency.
Stay Safe, Be Mindful
First of all, I know that BoLS isn’t where you are looking for detailed information on what is going on in the pandemic and we agree with you. No matter where you are, pay attention to your national and local authorities. This is uncharted waters and we are dealing with an all new virus. Several governments are saying things will get better before they get worse.
Wash those Hands
Every authority is saying that keeping those hands clean is the single best thing you can do to slow the spread of infection. Here’s a handy chart to recite for those 20 seconds:
Practice Social Distancing & Flatten That Curve
Here’s the best set of animations to explain the concept of Social Distancing and Flattening the Curve I’ve seen out there. The Washington Post did a fantastic job making the concept understandable and it’s not behind a paywall. Take a look and share with everyone
Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve”
Washington Post
Be Patient and Prepared for Change
No one knows how long this will last and every community will be affected in different ways and different times. So be mindful of your community and those around you, especially the elderly who appear to be at heightened risk.
While We’re In Here…
We will be working on all the regular news and editorials you expect, with extra coverage on these topics:
Direct COVID19 Effects On the Industry
There’s already been a lot of big news from shipping delays to event disruptions happening across the globe. We will be keeping tabs on what’s going on and reporting them to you as they come in.
Time to get organizing, assembling and painting.
Community Activities and Challenges
We’re all going to be stuck indoors for a while, so we will be coming up with all kinds of tabletop activities to get your hobby and gamer gears turning. We’ve all got a laundry list of hobby things that “we’ll get around to one of these days”. Well that day has arrived my friends. So feel free to cover your gaming table with all your dusty “I’ll get around to it one day” projects and get going.
Just because we’re cooped up doesn’t mean we can’t stream, so look for a lot of 1-2 person streams on industry news, and especially hobby and painting. In my book anything to help people take their mind off what’s going on, and feel more connected, even for a few minutes is a help. So in these trying times my fellow gamers, everyone stay safe – be mindful of your community, and let’s make it through this together.
Let us know what you are doing to keep gamer busy in your homes?