Star Wars: Armada – New FAQ Now Available

Star Wars: Armada has a new FAQ and Errata – come take a look at what’s changed in the fleet vs fleet fight!
It’s been almost two years since Star Wars: Armada has gotten any major FAQ or Errata. But in that time some products have come out and Fantasy Flight Games is taking a crack and patching some leaks in the fleet. These are somewhat minor – but necessary. Let’s take a look.
Admiral Raddus was the first one mentioned by FFG. This is a change in line from the Armada Forum’s Official Ruling’s thread. Essentially, these restrictions limit Raddus’ effect working on the newly introduced Starhawk-class Battleship. This ship has more firepower than any other Rebel ship and having it just “show-up” and fire provided very little counter-play.
Hyperspace Migration also got a tweak to be more clear and work better within the scoring framework of the game.
Other listed changes:
- Updated the extreme range rules introduced with the Onager-class Star Destroyer
- Various Rebellion in the Rim updates and errata
- Updated deployment rules for the Super Star Destroyer for additional clarity
Download the FAQ HERE
With so many new cards added to the game, this section has grown the most. We’ve added clarifications for many objectives from Rebellion in the Rim but also older objectives introduced in The Corellian Conflict. These cover many unique situations created by these objectives’ effects, new obstacles, and huge ships.
Our most important new squadron clarification covers the interaction between IG-88B’s ability and the escort keyword.
AdvertisementFinally, there a lot of upgrade clarifications! Several cover new cards, such as Commander Beck and Linked Turbolasers. Others cover new interactions between older cards, such as delayed timing cards that are discarded by effects like Darth Vader’s boarding team card. We have also expanded Chimaeraand Grand Admiral Thrawn’s clarifications to cover interactions with Rebellion in the Rim content and the Super Star Destroyer.
If you’re planning on playing Star Wars: Armada in the tournament season, check the FAQ and enjoy!
No More Raddus/Starhawk Bomb? Oh well…