Warhammer 40K: FAQs For The Greater Good
The latest batch of FAQs, errata, and updates for Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good have arrived. What’s changed? Come find out.
Hot off the internet, the Greater Good’s new FAQ brings updates to the new rules introduced in the book, tweaking a few things for T’au wielding prototype weapons, using special Enclave abilities, and sorting out what exactly the different tenets mean when you try and apply them to the weapons they have close to had. Let’s take a look at how things are different.
via Games Workshop
First things first, let’s look at the Errata. There are a few typos corrected, Master of War points to the Master of War page now, the Cyclic Ion Blaster clarifies what the Overcharge setting does does (seeming to only do 1 mortal wound per salvo of shots), and one of the relics gets a clarification.
And the Militarum regiments get a few corrections as well.
Among the frequently asked questions, there’s a lot of clarification about how the Prototype Weapons Systems work. Cross-linked stabilizer jets work for everyone in the unit.
Hybridized Weaponry upgrades the maximum range of whatever weapon by 4″. The Upgunned tenet only applies to regular burst cannon.
Over on the Militarum side, we have a couple of questions about how some of the Orders interpreted. Move! Move! Move! counts as Advancing, and Militarum Tempestus replaces Storm Troopers as a regimental doctribe.