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Warhammer 40K: Primaris Marine Characters Ranked

4 Minute Read
Mar 12 2020
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Which Space Marine Characters got the best Glow-up when they went Primaris? Let’s rank them!

Games Workshop has steadily released new, upgraded Primaris versions of heroes. Some of them have been bigger hits than others. Today, we’re looking at all the Primaris versions of these characters and ranking them based on who got the most improved model. Let’s do this!

#6 Kor’sarro Khan

While we do like the new sculpt, our issue with it has to do with the fact that he in on foot and not on a BIKE. Retcon all you want, he is a White Scar and should have had an option to be on foot and on a bike. That’s why he’s been picked as last place.

#5 Kayvaan Shrike

Shrike’s Primaris upgrade has a lot of potential! Too bad his haircut scored him negative points. I’m not following a chapter master who wears his emotional issues as a hair style. Put a helm on this bird and call it a day.

#4 Chief Librarian Tigurius


You know, compared to the old model, this is an improvement. But Prime Time Tiggy still seems a tad off proportionally. Apparently, his staff also got a Primaris Upgrade in the transfer. Here’s his old model for comparison sake:


It’s an improvement – but it’s just kinda more instead of better.

#3 Marneus Calgar

The new Calgar is also an improvement over the old version. It’s really just the terminator version of himself with new proportions and less golden extras – but in this case, less is more. Having a bigger canvas to work on also helped this miniature not feel so cramped. We also liked that there was a helmeted option now, too. It’s an improvement from his previous version and is worthy of the Chapter Master.

#2 Ragnar Blackmane


This model is a HUGE improvement over his previous version. It’s much more dynamic and action pose-like. We’re not sure what GW’s facination is with having these guys stand on awkward precipices but it does add some height to the model. Whatever the case, it’s a welcome sight and a fantastic Glow-up.

#1 Mephiston, Lord of Death

This was our FAVORITE Primaris update. Specifically, this version with the hand covering the mouth as a call back to this artwork:

It’s a fantastic nod to the pervious art and model while, at the same time, it is absolutely an upgrade compared to the previous model. Both Mephiston and Ragnar had pretty ancient and static models. The reason we picked Mephy over Blackmane was because of this call-back to the artwork.

Well that’s it for our list of most improved models. “Hey what about the OTHER Primaris models?” Well they didn’t have previous versions, but sure – we’ll rank them separately.

#4 Lazarus


Typical Stoic Dark Angel look.

 #3 Tor Garadon

Big beefy hand, square jaw, shoulder-mounted Grav-gun and siege fortification? Yep. That is an Imperial Fist!

#2 Adrax Agatone

Burninate! Bonus points for the cool base and scales on the cloak.

#1 Feirros

It’s Grimdark Doc Ock! What’s not to love!


So that’s our OTHER list ranking the Primaris Marines that didn’t have models before.

How would you rank these two lists – and how would you stack them against each other?


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K: Fabius Bile - Herald of Chaos Primaris