Warhammer 40K: The Beast Awakens

Come and take a look at the newest trailer for the next Psychic Awakening book–see what the Beast will do when the Wolves are at his heels.
Space Wolves and Orks are at the center of the next Psychic Awakening book, and with Gazghkull Thraka on the rise, there’s a lot to look forward to. Come and get a taste of what’s coming as the stage is set for the Saga of the Beast.
It looks like someone’s setting out to put an end to Ghazghkull Thraka once and for all. Check out warhammer-community.com for more information on Saga of the Beast – the latest chapter in the Psychic Awakening series.
Gazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is back and angrier and bigger than ever. With enough Dakka for an Ork of his size and stature, he looks pretty great–but what will happen when these two legendary warriors throw down? We’ll find out in the coming weeks as GW gets ready to launch the new book.
We’ll be sure to keep a close eye on the story and share any new developments with you. In the meantime, what are you hoping to see out of a new Psychic Awakening, especially one for the Orks and Space Wolves?
Let us know in the comments, and get ready for WAAAGH!!!