Warhammer 40K: Who’s Fighting The War Of The Spider

War of the Spider has been teased – but who’s going to fighting in it? Chaos and…???
So we’ve got the War of the Spider coming – we know that thanks to the GAMA Reveals. But what we don’t know is who’s fighting in it. But maybe we can figure this out.
Now, we’re going to assume War of the Spider is a part of Psychic Awakening – otherwise it’s an entirely new thing and we can just throw this whole thing out.
- Saga of the Beast is on deck with Space Wolves (confirmed) and Orks (confirmed). We might have Deathwatch show-up but that’s the big mystery.
- Engine War has already been announced and we know who’s in that one.
So if War of the Spider IS a part of the Psychic Awakening, then our options are:
- Harlequins
- Necrons
- Death Guard
- Adeptus Custodes
- Deathwatch (?)
“Uh…But Fabius Bile was teased as part of the War of the Spider, what gives?!” That’s is a valid point. We clearly don’t have an Emperor’s Children option listed. Unless GW was pulling a fast one on us and the symbol we thought was Custodes for months has secretly been the Emperor’s Children Symbol the whole time…
Nah…it couldn’t be that. Right?! Maybe Fabius Bile is hanging out with the Death Guard? Chaos is chaos, right? Oh boy…
What if the Spider is just the one pulling the strings? Maybe Fabius has set up a fight between two (or more) of these factions so he can reap a genetic harvest. Seems like something he would want to do. But who’s fighting in it?
Well, Spiders do have webs. And the Webway is a *thing* in 40k – and who’s the masters of the Webway? Aeldari. The Harlequins are slated for a new batch of rules so that would check out!
What if the spider reference is a bit more…on the nose? The Necrons, for example, have Tomb Spiders and a character that would fit that description:
Illuminor Szeras fits that bill – plus he has an obsession with biological life. Heck, he and Fabius Bile might even get along and compare notes. Or maybe they are rivals! It really could swing either way because this is the Grimdark, baby!
Look Who’s Fighting Now
What would the logical groupings be? Well, Custodes and Deathwatch wouldn’t fight as that doesn’t make any sense. So we could have the following scenarios with the remaining 5:
- Deathwatch vs Necrons vs Harlequins / Custodes vs Death Guard
- Custodes vs Necrons vs Harlequins / Deathwatch vs Death Guard
- Lots of others
Sure, we could have Necrons vs Death Guard and an Imperial Team-up vs Harlequins or some other combo. You get the idea. And that’s also assuming Deathwatch doesn’t show up in Saga of the Beast. But all of these scenarios do one thing: Ignore Fabius Bile. So where does he fit in with all this? That’s the mystery! And he’s the only “confirmed” model/party for War of the Spider.
Don’t mind me – I’m just causing problems.
So who’s going to fight in the War of the Spider? And will it even be a part of Psychic Awakening to being with?! Let us know in the comments!