Age of Sigmar: Sons of Behemat – How BIG Are They?

Games Workshop keeps teasing that there will be something BIG coming with the Sons of Behemat – How large are we talking here?
A few weekends ago GW teased the Sons of Behemat’s reveal. There was a short video indicating how we’re “all the little ones” now:
They showed off some artwork in the video and now we have an even better look at that artwork thanks to GW.
This picture in particular is…concerning? For starters, it’s showing Stormcast running away. That’s kind of a big deal, right? Secondly, the scale is also troubling. Stormcasts are pretty big models (relatively speaking to other infantry) and the current Gargants aren’t that big. If this was to scale that gargant would be the size of a real life toddler – possibly larger.
Is GW making a new kit THAT large? I really hope not and I don’t think that’s the case. However, here’s what they are saying:
“Indeed, stories tell of even larger gargants, vast creatures closer in size and ferocity to their lost father than their already huge kin…”
Now, that was probably in reference to the current Aleguzzler Gargant kit:
Could I see GW making a new Gargant that would be larger than the current ones? Absolutely. Especially with the current kits we’ve seen on the 40k side. If they can make a Castellan, they can certainly make a larger version of a giant gargant.
This kit was pretty huge – they could do it for AoS…
Games Workshop keeps teasing a big, new release for these guys. But how big are we talking here? I’m guessing larger than the current giants but smaller than a toddler. We might find out this weekend from GW:
“Whatever’s on the way, it’s going to be BIG. Keep your eye on the horizon (and the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook page) for the latest gargant-based news, and remember we’ve got another massive Warhammer preview this weekend!”
We know that they have names for at least 3 new Giants. Perhaps this weekend we’ll get to see the models…
Assuming we’re getting new models, how BIG do you think these Sons of Behemat will be?