D&D: The Easter Bunny Makes An Eggcellent Monster

Hopping your way, from Mike Myler’s column on mythological figures, it’s none other than the Easter Bunny with a fresh set of 5th Edition rules.
Dungeons and Dragons is no stranger to taking mythological creatures and cram-jamming them into the pages of a monster manual. And if you’re thinking, well sure, but surely that’s just y’know, the general ideas, like goblins, or unicorns, or people who do paleo and are surprisingly tolerable about it. Yes, we get it, you read Clan of the Cave Bear and took it way too seriously, but you can just be quiet already Jeremy.
Anyway the point is, if it exists in mythology it probably is in the pages of a Monster Manual somewhere. You can find rules for the Baba Yaga, Zeus, and enough deities with similar stats to make Joseph Campbell green with envy. So it follows then that the Easter Bunny is a perfect fit for D&D. And thanks to Mike Myler’s excellent column on mythological figures titled Mythological Figures, you can run the Easter bunny at your next game session.
The Easter Bunny is something of a beast, coming in at CR 12. For the record, this means that the Easter Bunny is about on par with an Erinyes, a Gray Render, or a Stone Juggernaut. Bear that in mind the next time you’re wondering if you really do need to dye eggs this year to leave out as an offering to ward away the Bunny’s might. Clearly this is why the Easter Bunny won the famous battle against Genghis Khan.
Anyway, as you might expect, the Bunny’s stats mostly involve moving swiftly, being hard to hit, and then dealing out 2d10 + 6 (knocking targets prone) in melee, or 1d4+6 and 2d8 fire damage with a “thrown object” thanks to the “Igniting Throw” property. Obviously the Easter Bunny is setting its eggs on fire and hurling them at people, which is a disturbing mental image, but it does sound about like how a game of D&D involving the Easter Bunny would go. So bravo. And beware the bun.
Happy Adventuring!