‘Extraction’ Review – An Action Movie for Action Movie Enthusiasts

Check out this Extraction review before you settle in on the couch and stream it.
Chris Hemsworth plays a black-market mercenary that’s hired to rescue the son of an imprisoned international crime lord from kidnappers. The mission teeters on impossible in a murky underworld of weapon and drug traffickers. The city around them shuts down and the forces against them close in. Can they make it out alive?
This is one of the projects tied to the deal the Russo Brothers signed with Netflix. The script is from Joe Russo and it’s directed by Sam Hargrave (he also stars as one of the mercs). You may not recognize Hargrave’s name, but you’re familiar with his work. He has been a stuntman for over 15 years and was Chris Evans’ stunt double all the way through the Infinity Saga. He was also on the stunt choreography team for Atomic Blonde.
And this is a hand-to-hand combat and stunt extravaganza that doesn’t stop.
Extraction Review
This is a get from point A to point B action movie – it is not groundbreaking or complex. And that’s just fine. It’s gritty, bloody, and uncomfortable. It aims for realism. There are gun battles and hallway fights through multi-story slums, as well as some impressive car chases through the crowded streets of Bangladesh. Shots are tight, showing the determination and exhaustion of Hemsworth and his enemies.
It’s made clear that our hero and his package are dealing with people who do not care about anything beyond money, power, and apperacnes. Human life is just a bargaining chip. Absolutely no one can be trusted.
Hemsworth is believable as an experienced and jaded mercenary that is battling personal demons. Rudhraksh Jaiswal does a great job at playing a terrified teenager who somehow keeps his wits about him. He grows up quickly in this ordeal. When the two take a pause to catch their breath, the interaction between them is heartfelt. That connection will make you root for their survival.
Should I Watch Extraction?
If you have two hours to spare and enjoy great fight choreography – yep. I highly recommend it for that. It has the bonus of cinematography that keeps up and keeps things interesting. Plus the story and acting are decent and add to the action rather than slowing it down.
Extraction is on Netflix now.