Fantasy Flight Games: Legend of the Five Rings Fiction – For Free

If you’ve got free time then you should explore the fiction of Legend of the Five Rings for Free!
The Lands of Rokugan are plush with stories of brave warriors, noble assassins, political intrigue, and supernatural threats – it’s a mystical land of honor and adventure. If you’re a fan of a fantastical Samurai setting you should check it out! And now you can read-up on some of the latest story developments for free from Fantasy Flight Games!
What’s really neat about the L5R story is that the events of the major tournaments (called Kotei) can help shape the way the story unfolds. The players make an impact and that carries over to the plot and the story progresses. It’s a rich lore system and everything is connected – it’s a lore-junkie’s dream.
The two most recent stories pick-up after the events of the Inheritance cycle. That kicked off with “The Last Stone Played” and concluded with “Black and White” which you can read at those two links. Or you can dive right into the next chapter as the story continues in the two links below.
Caged Birds by Katrina Ostrander
“Bayushi Kachiko, Imperial Advisor and Mother of Scorpions, has fallen far from her high position. After disputing with Shoju in the aftermath of the Emperor’s death, she has been exiled to Toshi Ranbo, far from the Imperial City of Otosan Uchi, and held under house arrest for treason. Now stripped of everything she once held close, what is Kachiko’s road forward from this point—and where might that road lead?”
Violence Behind Courtliness by Katrina Ostrander
“The chill of winter is fast approaching, but this is no season for rest or hesitation. If the Crane Clan would avoid defeat, Doji Hotaru must plot the path forward for the Crane—and even if they choose to reassert their claim over Toshi Ranbo, how exactly will they bypass the countless dangers that wait on every side?”
If that’s got you interested in the story of Legend of the Five Rings, you can always hop over to the main product page, scroll down to the fiction section and check out ALL the stories so far. It’s one heck of a lore bomb!
Legend of the Five Rings Product Page – Scroll Down To the Fiction Section:
Start with the Fiction Complications if you have no idea where to start. That will have “The First Scroll” which is basically the Core Set plus some of the event fiction mixed in, too. After that, you’ll want to try to read them all in release date order which can be a little tough to deduce – but check the dates and you should be good to go.
There are dozens and dozens of pages of story to chew through so dive on in and get caught up on the mythical land of Rokugan!
The conflicts of the Great Clans make for some great reads!