Goatboy’s 40K: I’m Addicted to Daemon Princes

Goatboy here. If you have been following me for awhile you know I love Daemon Princes. Let’s talk and show you a bit of my addiction to the Ruinous Powers.
Daemon Princes. It is one of the few units in the game where my imagination can run wild as I kit bash a ton of random things, throw in some green stuff, and bam I got something new and unique the screams Goatboy. I was pretty bummed when I could only run 3 so that kept me from making a ton more. Heck I even sold some as well – with a few of my baby wing princes gone (BigRed’s favorite one is sadly sold) and other older kit bash nonsense. Big Red asked me to take some pics, chat about them and just showcase how I really do have a modeling problem.
Nurgle Princes
Will start with the Nurgle Daemon Princes. I have made a ton of them. I remember one ATC where I decided 3 weeks before the event to run a Chaos Space Marine flying circus and built 3 completely unique Daemon princes for that event. All of those princes sold (lots of crazy kit bashes in that list) but the love of throwing together stuff to make Nurgle princes runs strong in my veins. There is something just fun about making a gross looking flying/walking monster of doom.
These are the last two Daemon Princes I made. I got the FW guy as I have always like the kinda – pile of gross model. I throw on some wings because at the time every Prince needed Wings to be good. The other one was the model I did this past Wednesday as a mental health model. Its been rough stuck in my house due to my extroverted nature and need to see people. I thought – why not do a Daemon Prince out of one of the extra Warcry models BoLS had. Thus you see the Cyclops walking prince done! Daemons don’t need shoes!
The left prince was done for my LVO Death Guard army from 2 years ago. I always wanted to make a Mouth in the chest type of guy and thus the one you see above you. I use some weird mouth parts on the chest, flipped over a Pink Horror and threw on a Skull from the Greater Unclean One’s chains. The other guy is the old Ultraforge Great Unclean One that sadly isn’t big enough. It does give me another walking Daemon Prince and I always had a soft spot for this model.
Both of these princes were just extra princes I wanted to try and kit bash. I wanted one prince with his blue guys hanging out and had an extra Bloat Drone. I threw on some troll arms, slapped on a gun (Warp bolter), and called it a day as an upgraded Bloat Monster Prince.
Here are two things I used as Princes and one as a Mortarion stand in. The Crazy AOS Horse Chaos guys were always neat if a crazy expensive kit. I always wanted to bash up some kind of Rider of the Apocalypse and when I get a hold of a kit for a decent prince – this guy came out. I think his head is from some Death Guard Terminators. The other one is a cool as hell Creature Caster miniature. He was a heck of a lot of fun to build and his extra hands went on the last Daemon Prince I made.
Another Creature caster figure this one I wanted to make look decrepit with his folded over wings and creepy body. The dagger is from a Great Unclean one and helps sell the creepy look.
Slaanesh Princes
Next up with have the Slaanesh ones. The Slaanesh ones were built during the time of the Flying Circus. I think I was one of the first people playing it with a top 16 finish the last Adepticon I went to during 6th edition. I got unlucky and was matched up with the only Grey Knight player round 1. I lost that one barely to a good friend and then beat the crap out of a ton of Necron players. All of these guys were set up to take the Lash of Submission as with Iron Arm they could be strength 10 and do damage to things. I won’t say what I called the gun – but just know it isn’t safe for work being Slaanesh and all.
The first Prince is my favorite one and one of the designs I have redone and reworked for Clients. Kit bashed off of a Daemon Prince and the Talos from Dark Eldar with some hefty green stuff tentacles from Greenstuff Industries. The gun was obviously from the Forge Fiend. The second one is a Helbrute with some Forgefiend legs and AOS Ghoul wings. The last one has parts from the Helbrute actual kit and a Daemon Prince.
Khorne Princes
Khorne is up next with these matching up for the old Triad army I used to play. That was a fun Flying Circus list I did a ton of damage with at an Iron Halo one year. They had so many weird combos in that army that it was a lot of fun for me – but extremely annoying for opponents.
The first one is another Ultraforge figure before they shifted over to Creature Caster. The second is part of the Baby wing Daemon Princes with an AOS kit bash followed by a Daemon Prince Axe and Talos head. The final one is another Warcry bash up adding some cool jump packs from I think Maxmini if I remember correctly. As you can see all have Axes or some kind of big hand to hand weapon because the Daemon relic is so good.
Tzeentch Princes
Finally we have Tzeentch daemon princes. I use them a lot, becasue Thousand Sons princes are probably the best Daemon Princes right now. Heck if I could run 9 again you would see 3 of these guys surrounded by a bunch of cheap jerks and throwing out Smites like a boss.
The first one was originally a stand in for Fateweaver in the Triad Daemon prince Flying Circus list. He is obviously not the right size so a Daemon Prince he becomes. Chaos Space bits, Maulerfiend bits, a Necron Spider bottom, 3rd party chest I can’t remember, and some AOS wings is how this guy came to be. That Tentacle Maker is the bomb if you want to make power cables and other fun things. The last guy is the Tzeentch baby wings Daemon Prince from AOS with some extra arms from Pink horrors strapped on.
These last two are the now Mortiarch AOS guys with Talos heads. I really liked the models and thought – why not get a box and easily get 2 Daemon Princes for not too much. I enjoyed these models and have used them a ton in my normal Thousand Sons supreme command armies.
Finally we have Bel’akor. I found this in a random box I purchased from a local right when his new rules came out. He showed up in my Triad army as another pain in the butt Daemon prince with his crazy strong attack, hard to remove cover save, and powerful spells. This is the old metal one with no kit bashing etc. Just fun to see the stuff you randomly find.
That’s all the Daemon Princes I have at the house currently. There are some really old ones stuck in a box somewhere – weird stuff from the old all deep strike Daemon prince army. I had some weird beholders using Ping Bong balls, zombie bits, and green stuff. They are the right size for Daemon Princes but just don’t fit into any aesthetic I currently play with. Plus I don’t want to go digging thru boxes to find them.
Hope you enjoyed my favorite thing to kit bash and build. Who knows what other things I do next as I patiently wait for new models, rules, and good times.
And the Nurgle Prince who got away… but we have one last pic of him before he vanished.