Goatboy’s 40K – Nurgle’s CSM Crab Claws go SNAP SNAP!

Watch what happens when Nurgle and his Neverborn take control of a pair of the biggest claws on the tabletop.
Goatboy here with another dumb list idea utilizing something fun from FW. During my normal thought process during the week I usually look for odd things in FW books and see if army lists you normally don’t see can take them. I’ve already used the Mastadon in a list and while filling it with different things seems fun – it isn’t nearly as interesting as you’ve seen that before. This leads me down another rabbit hole looking for goofy stuff and checking up on FAQs so I can make sure I can take it. What I ended up jumping on in my desire to make weird stuff is the Hellforged Kharybdis Assault Claw and how you can take it as a Death Guard player.
Meet the Chaos Super Crab Claw
What is this thing? Well it is a giant weird drop pod thing that can fly around and cause havoc. It moves pretty fast, has a bunch of funky weapons, and holds a 20 infantry models. It also has a chance to eat someone it kills in close combat. That’s always fun as this thing flies around and dumps out a ton of gross Plague Marines and friends on the table. It also has 16 wounds, toughness 8, can drop in from the sky, and again has a bunch of random guns. Plus it isn’t crazy expensive so you can run more than one in your army – which is what I plan on doing.
Death Guard Craw Claws of Doom!
Death Guard Battalion +5CP
Malignant Plaguecaster – 95pts
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor – Combi-Bolter, Warlord – Arch Containminator, Relic – Plague Bringer – 101pts
Plague Marines X 7 – Plague Knives X 4, Plague Flails X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 133pts
Plague Marines X 7 – Plague Knives X 4, Plague Flails X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 133pts
Poxwalkers X 10 – 50pts
Biologus Putrifier – 60pts
Helforged Kharybdis Assalt Claw – 325pts
Death Guard Battalion +5CP
Lord of Contagion – 112pts
Malignant Plaguecaster – 95pts
Plague Marines X 7 – Plague Knives X 4, Plague Flails X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 133pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Blight Launcher X 2, Plasma Gun – 111pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Blight Launcher X 2, Plasma Gun – 111pts
Poxwalkers X 10 – 50pts
Foul Blightspawn – 77pts
Foul Blightspawn – 77pts
Helforged Kharybdis Assalt Claw – 325pts
PTS: 1988 CP: +13
Crabtastic Tactics
The idea is to have the following set up in each Claw.
Claw 1 – Aka The Stink Fist
Chaos Lord in Term – 2 slots
Malignant Caster – 1 slot
14 Plague marines – 14 slots
Biologus Putrifier – 1 slot
Lord of Contagion – 2 slots
20 slots taken
Claw 2 – Aka The Stanky Hermit Crab
Malignant Caster – 1 Slot
Foul Blightspawn X 2 – 2 Slots
17 Plague Marines – 17 slots
20 Slots taken on the second
Then you got 2 sets of Poxwalkers to hold the fort, sell some lemonade, and maybe do something. Most likely do nothing – but you never now. Of course with the upcoming Psychic Awakening coming we might see some of the extra characters shift around with maybe a few Dark Prayers coming or some other fun bits. Plus – you basically deploy 2 giant resin pieces of nonsense with a few zombies and just push the pedal to the ground and see if you can get there. Plus it has no cultists so that is a win right!
Tricks you got? A few auras you can shoot off to try and do mortal wounds, some psychics to do more, and then the grenade trick that feels awesome when you pull it off. The Chaos Lord is important just to get the rerolls as well as a pretty mean close combat attack if he can get there. Too bad you can’t give him a jump pack anymore due to the legendary status of the stinky fly wings.
That’s it for now as I jump pack to finishing some Grey Knights and trying to figure out how to make this Dark Vengeance Helbrute into a double power fist monster.
The Nurgle Seafood Buffet is open! Anyone hungry?