Goatboy’s 40K – Squiggoth WAAAGH!

Goatboy here and just like the Mastadon from last week – I’m all about beefy models, but this week they are green and mean!
It’s time for Goatboy to look for a FW thing that can hold a lot of models. Mix in some extra weird rules on top of it – and you got something goofy I can use to build a list. This time the unit is the Gargantuan Squiggoth. This is big fat monster that holds 20 Orks, lets the Orks shoot of it, and heck can charge in and do mortal wounds. It also has 35 wounds and gets slower and hits worse in close combat as it takes wounds. It still hits the same shooting so it isn’t terrible. It also lets your guys shoot even if enemy models are within an inch of it. That is pretty handy as you shove three of them down sometimes throat.
Oh and it is pretty dang cheap too. They sit at 473 points, have 2 Twin Big Shots and 2 Supa-Lobbas. Those guns shoot 3d6 shots at strength 7, -2 AP, and 1 damage. All at 48″ so it isn’t too bad. It again allows the models riding it to shoot. Of course as they are embarked you can’t do any kind of crazy Stratagems on it – so double shooting doesn’t work and neither does more Dakka Dakka. It’s a weird rule as Auras are not bouncing off so the question comes in what Kulture do you pick. I think I will go Freebootaz as it looks like their Kulture doesn’t target a unit – it just needs something to kill something near there. It means I can look at throwing in some Flash Gitz for more nonsense.
Big Fat Crazy Super Monsters of Doom – Take 1
Ork Battalion – +5CP
Specialist Detachment – Dread Waagh!! (-1CP)
Kulture – Freebootaz
Warboss – Powerklaw, Kustom Shoota, Relic – Killa Klas (-1CP), Da Biggest Boss (-1CP) – 80pts
Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun, Warlord – Big Killa Boss, Relic – Souped Up Shokka – 80pts
Ork Shoota Boyz X 17 – 119pts
Gretchin X 10 – 30pts
Gretchin X 10 – 30pts
Flash Gitz X 10 – 240pts
Super Heavy Detachment – +3CP
Gargantuan Squiggoth – Supa Lobba X 2, Twin Big Shoota X 2 – 473pts
Gargantuan Squiggoth – Supa Lobba X 2, Twin Big Shoota X 2 – 473pts
Gargantuan Squiggoth – Supa Lobba X 2, Twin Big Shoota X 2 – 473pts
PTS: 1998 CP: +8CP
Squiggy Tactics
So the idea is you just deploy 3 Squiggoth’s – with Freebootaz/Gretchin on one, Boyz with Boss/Mek on another, and the last Gretchin on the other. You get ready to move the Squiggoths forward each turn, throw out a ton of dice, and hopefully get to charge in turn 2 with a ton of stuff. The Warboss can come out like a cruise missile if needed, hopefully everyone gets +1 to hit at some point, and you profit with lots of goofy dice rolling and Ork monsters doing well – dumb stuff.
The hardest thing is that there is really no way to get the Squiggoths or convert them. They are big dumb monsters who don’t have a base so it gets freaky when you see them running around and hanging over other models. I know a few people that have a lot of these and I respect them for getting these things, painting up the craziness, and maybe even playing them from time to time. Lord it would suck to fly with them but hell – I don’t think I am flying for a good long time.
Until next time – WAAAGHH!!!