Legend of the Five Rings RPG: Free GenCon Adventure Now Available

Fantasy Flight Games is giving away the GenCon 2019 adventure for the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game for Free!
For fans of the L5R RPG who couldn’t make it to GenCon 2019, they missed out on getting to play in The Highwayman. It’s a one-shot adventure designed for players of L5R and it’s now completely free to download from Fantasy Flight Games!
The Highwayman debuted at Gen Con 2019 as a one-shot adventure that we hosted in some of our roleplaying game sessions, and now, we’re happy to make it widely available to every Game Master who’s interested in running the adventure themselves.
Unlike the grand majority of your adventures in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying, The Highwayman is not an adventure designed for a party of samurai in the service of their Great Clans. Instead, you’re invited to play as gaijin foreigners, rōnin, and peasant characters, experiencing a radically different side of life in Rokugan and drawing on many of the new rules and options introduced in the Path of Waves sourcebook.
This adventure is a great one-shot but the fun doesn’t end there – you could use this as springboard into a full campaign of your own.
Download the Adventure HERE
Download the Pre-generated character sheets HERE
Additional Handouts For Players
If you want to give this adventure a go, just download it and get to it! There are lots of ways to play RPGs virtually as well – it’s a great way to get your gaming group together (while staying physically distant). Need the Core Rules? No problem – you can get a PDF from DrivethruRPG right HERE.
Get your friends together (virtually) and go on adventure to the lands of Rokugan!