Mantic: How to Play Kings of War, Vanguard, and Dreadball Online

Keep busy by playing the games you love. Mantic has added a few online options to their previous list of solo games. Take a look! As a quick note before jumping in, they’ve released solo play rules for The Walking Dead recently so you can battle it out with hordes of zombies while sheltering in place. Ok, let’s get to it…
For most of us, meeting up for a game isn’t an option at the moment and so the guys at Mantic have asked me to put together a beginner’s guide to help get you started playing Kings of War online through Universal Battle 2. Universal Battle 2 is a free platform (with the option to pay for a premium service with additional features) that allows players from all over the world to come together to play table top wargames online.
I’ve played dozens of games of Kings of War on Universal Battle 2. It will never replace actual table top gaming, but Universal Battle 2 is a brilliant way of practising between events or trying out new lists before you commit to buying and painting the models. It’s allowed me to play against people from all over the world who I would most likely never get to play on the tabletop. It’s also great for trying out those lists that are so wacky and wild that no one in their right mind would ever build them in real life.
Learn How to Play KoW in Universal Battle Here
Whereas Kings of War used Universal Battle, the wonderful Ciaran Morris has created a bespoke module to play Vanguard in Vassal. It is – quite frankly – a remarkable achievement. For newcomers Vassal can be a little tricky though. However, Ciaran has put together a newcomer’s guide to using the system. The best thing is, it’s completely free to download and try out – so you can give it a go TODAY! Make sure you download the how-to guide here.
It’s worth noting you’ll still need a copy of the rulebook to play online – so it’s a good job the core rules are free to download here, plus the rulebook and digital rulebook are currently half price (if you want access to all the campaign rules, magic and equipment).
Check Out the Vanguard Vassal Module Here
You will need the core DreadBall rules in order to play. But don’t worry because they’re currently FREE to download – just click on the link below this article. The Vassal module is a fantastic way to get your DreadBall fix in isolation and you can even try out a new team, while you paint up your models. Oh, and while we’re talking DreadBall, a lot of teams are currently half price on the Mantic website. Perfect if you want something to paint and keep you busy!
Check Out the Dreadball Vassal Module Here