RPG Accessories: Amazing Dice Bags For All Occasions

Whether you keep them in a bag, a box, or fill a pool two swim through Scrooge McDuck style, you have to keep your gaming dice from getting lost somehow. Why not one of these bags?
If you’re into tabletop RPGs, you probably have too many dice. You may have too many of many different kinds of dice. Depending on the day of the week I may need the standard D&D set of 7, or a handful of D6s, or sometimes the proprietary Fantasy Flight Star Wars dice. Who knows. It’s a new adventure every time. This, of course, means that I need at least that many ways to store my many many collections of dice. Luckily, there’s a dice bag for every occasion.
Scalemail D&D accessories are so incredibly pleasing to me. The design is on-brand for any fantasy game, and the nature of the materials creates a really satisfying weight and sound when moving around. Are you protecting your dice from attack? Are your dice wearing the scales of a defeated dragon? Is this just a cool way to carry dice between games? Why chose?
Do you need a way to securely carry 150 dice and also organize them by type so you never grab a D12 instead of a D20 again? I didn’t think I did before I saw this massive beauty but suddenly I need way more dice as an excuse to fill one of these. If you’re the rare person who has one set of dice for every game, this may seem like overkill to you, but for the rest of us this is just good sense.
Rowan Gate
This simple bag is neat, clean, and can hold an almost deceptive number of dice before it refuses to close. The squared edges make it easier to store those little clear rectangles of dice if you like to keep your sets separated (yes, that’s me), and the closure is spring tight and secure so you don’t lose anything between sessions. Also, stacks of books are very nice to look at.
Coming in a giant variety of fabrics and multiple bag sizes, the GreyedOut bags add a little bit of your personality to your game. The larger bags have the option to include five or nine inner pockets to keep those extra special nicknacks secure and can hold multiple entire sets of dice depending on your need. It’s the perfect time to give this chibi plague doctors a good home.
Dice Druid
This set may create as many problems as it solves, but if you need to buy a bag AND the dice to fill it with, Dice Druid has you covered with this monstrous collection. The dragon skin and eye are always watching over your dice, maybe to protect them, maybe to scare them into rolling well. Do you need more dice? Maybe not. Are the extras worth it for a bag this neat? Maybe!
Bonus: Game Guardians
If you’re the crafty sort of person who is functionally capable of turning a pile of felt into a great old one, this may be the project for you. Game Guardians has a pattern for your own Cthulhu shaped bag to hold all of your dice and torment all of your enemies. Equal parts huggable, functional, and terrifying, if this doesn’t keep your dice safe, nothing will.
How do you store your dice? How many sets do you have? If you make this Cthulhu will you please send in a picture? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!