RPG: Check Out This Humble 3D-Printable Terrain Bundle For All Your Adventuring Needs
This Humble Book Bundle stretches the word book to the breaking point, but it does mean you can get some awesome minis for cheap.
The latest RPG Humble Bundle is listed in the “books” category, and it does many things–most notably it makes you dig down and question “what is a book?” This kind of ontological assault is carried out in the form of incredible value, in the form of STL files which you can translate into 3D printed miniatures and terrain of all kinds. Now, if you think of a book in a very nontraditional way, what is it if not a collection of information. This collection of information just happens to be a bit more directly actionable.
Instead of “learning” something like how to Kill a Mockingbird or whatever Harper Lee was going on about, you can translate this information into a beautifully sculpted piece of plastic that will sit atop whatever surface you use when playing RPGs. Check ’em out.
via Humble Bundle
Humble 3D Printable Dungeons & Dragon Lairs Terrain Bundle – $1-$15
Happy Adventuring!