Tabletop Kickstarter Round-Up: April 22, 2020

Tales from the Loop and Wolfenstein get board game adaptations, plus new RPG adventures and some new 75mm minis. Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding highlights!
The Middle Lands – 75mm Resin Miniatures
The Middle Land is a campaign for producing a 75mm figure collection made in high quality resin, based on the medieval & epic fantasy that inspired so many novels, films, rpg and boardgames that marked the teen ages of this campaign authors. Nowaday there’s a magnificent computer designed miniature offer everywhere, but for this campaign we wanted to stick on the traditional hand-made sculptures, as we believe they bring an unique personality to the product.
Stranded – Delve RPG
Your ship is knocked off course, you begin to tumble through space, it seems that some strange force is dragging you through the darkness but to what fate? The sound of Klaxons and the calm melodic voice of the automated danger warning systems are the last things you hear as you pass out. You awaken in a graveyard, the carcasses of a thousand rusted hulks surround you, the sky above is home to two suns, where the hell are you, quickly you check your pockets. Welcome to the Planet of Rust.
With Stranded [FGDystopia] take the Delve rule system (with some tweaks) and create a whole planet of adventure for you to experience (think Outer Worlds or Borderlands). Aliens, Mutants, killer robots and all those other things that make Sci-Fi exciting and weird.
You can pick up a PDF for $9 and other bundles are available.
Wolfenstein: The Board Game