White Dwarf April Previews & Delays

The April Issue of White Dwarf is getting delayed a bit but GW as some previews and news about the issue to look forward to!
With all the craziness happening in the world it’s no surprise that GW is having to push back the release of the April White Dwarf. The new release date is going to be May 2nd – but with some caveats.
First up – some important stuff you need to know about the next issue of White Dwarf. It’s coming your way, but you might have to wait a little longer than usual to get your monthly Warhammer fix.
- The release date is Saturday the 2nd of May – you’ll find it on shelves of any open stockists from this date.
- The digital edition will be also available to download on the 2nd of May.
- Most subscribers will still get their copies at the usual time – around the middle of April – though they will probably arrive nearer to the end of April for subscribers in Australia.
- We’re not taking new subscriptions just now – we’ll let you know when that changes.
It’s a bummer – but the White Dwarf is still on the way! Now, on to the good stuff because this issue has the goods for both AoS and 40k Players.
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
With Ossiarch Bonereapers on the cover you know it’s going to have some goodies for the armies of the dead. And it does! They are the focus for this month’s Tome Celestial.
It’s all about Vokmortian’s Tithe Legion, who specialise in claiming immense quantities of bone for their dread master, be it by dark pacts or, er, more direct intervention.
Aside from all the juicy lore and history about the Tithe Legion, you’ll also get painting guides and three new Warscroll Battalions! As an OBR player, I’m making this one a priority pick-up.
Warhammer 40,000
The Deathwatch are getting their Psychic Awakening-esque update in this issue as well.
This issue also includes a suite of new rules for Deathwatch armies, including new Stratagems, Litanies of Battle and more. Keep an eye out soon for more details on these awesome additions to your alien-hunting army.
That’s right – new Stratagems, Litanies “and more” are coming to the army via White Dwarf. If you’re a Deathwatch Player you definitely want to pick this issue up!
…And A Whole Lot More
There is a “Founding of a chapter” of Space Marines article in there, new rules for Resurrecting dead gangers in Necromunda, stuff for Warcry, Blackstone Fortress and many more. It’s sure to be packed with useful articles to get you gaming when the magazine ships.
White Dwarf April coming in May!