Age of Sigmar: We Need to Talk About that Owl
Here’s my hopes for what the latest rumor engine owl means for AoS.
The Rumor Engine is at it again, showing us a dark-eyed owl and raising a bunch of questions about what’s coming next. While there are several theories floating around now, I wanted to weigh in on a few of my own, so here’s my top three hopes for what that owl means.
New Wood Elves
Owls have been used to represent the spites and spirits that accompany the Wood Elves and Sylvaneth into battle before (there’s one included in the Treelord kit) so it would stand to reason this guy could be a return to something Asrai. It could even be something like the centaur and satyr pieces we got in Underworlds, a molding of form between elf and spirit that seems to be what most of the elvish races of AoS have become. Either way, a return to the woods could be fun, and would make an interesting companion to the existing Sylvaneth line.
New Dark Elves
I know, I know, I won’t shut up about these guys coming down the pipeline, but come now, there’s SO much opportunity and a lot of fans want them. The dark, wide eyes give the owl a look of a creature that needs to see well in extreme low light conditions, so it would make since for it to hail from Ulgu. The Shadow elves could use creatures like that to scout ahead, since they fly silently and have a wide field of vision. Of course, it could just be an extension of the Warcry faction, but I wouldn’t complain there either, because that could still cycle back to a full on release. Which brings me to my next hope/prediction…
Vampires vs Dark Elves battlebox
Considering how much GW loves to release new books alongside a massive battlebox, and looking at how all the hints are pointing to either vampires or Dark Aelves as the next big drop, it would stand to reason that they would put both in the same box. Soulblighted need some teeth (pun intended) and I would love to see them go to bat with Malerion and his ilk for dominion of the shadows. The Owl could be connected to the box exclusive special character of either faction, though he looks a tad bit too lively to be a Vampire’s companion. Still, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Who do you think the owl is bonded to?