D&D: Five Dragons, Five Items, One Goddess – Tiamat’s Best Magic Items

Five heads, each one more evil than the last, and at the center of all of them, the goddess of Dragons, and her horde of magic items.
Tiamat is the five-headed goddess of all dragons. She created the dragons (dagrons), embodies each of the chromatic dragons, and has her own network of agents, spies, and cultists. Tiamat is also trapped in Avernus, the topmost layer of the Nine Hells. She has no massive temples. No monuments. Not even ruins dedicated to her tyranny, no scars upon the earth to testify her terrifying majesty. Her presence in the mortal world skulks in the shadows and is the driving force behind cultists and villains of all stripes.
As you’ll see, her servants are basically her treasurers, entrusted with not only releasing her from her hellish prison, but also with many of her most powerful items. Here are our five favorite items.
Staff of Fire
This is one of the more powerful items you can come across, and it’s a sign of the Dragon Cult. With ten charges, the ability to cast Burning Hands, Fireball, or Wall of Fire for 1, 3, or 4 charges respectively, it gives you access to some powerful magic that will help deal with the tough encounters that you’ll face, especially in those early Hoard of the Dragon Queen chapters.
Potion of Gaseous Form
Drinking this potion turns you into a gaseous form for up to an hour, which you can use to escape – or sneak into secret cult hideouts and observe stealthily. Whatever the case, this potion is the golden goose for creative players
Dragon Masks
These are some of the iconic magic items of the modules. Given to the higher-ups in the Dragon Cult, each of these masks gives you resistance to a type of elemental damage (or immunity if you’re already resistant, or if you’re already immune, you instead regain hit points equal to half the damage that would otherwise be dealt).
On top of that, you gain the ability to add your Charisma bonus to your armor class while you’re wearing no armor, you gain Darkvision or extended Darkvision if you already have it, as well as gaining Blindsight out to 30 feet for 5 minutes.
But we’re not done, you also get the ability to speak draconic and have an advantage on Charisma check while dealing with dragons–and most importantly, you get a legendary resistance 1/day
Elemental Gem
These Elemental Gems contain trapped elemental energy that you can break in order to summon an Elemental to your side. It’s effectively a one-use conjure elemental spell that can save your bacon, especially when you’re trying to deal with the Well of Dragons encounter…
This is a small sphere of glass that can either be lit up with light or daylight and as an action can be made to hover nearby you, following you around wherever you go.
Wand of Fear
Finally, in keeping with the draconic theme, these wands let you call upon the fearsome presence of the Dragons, giving you the ability to command a single creature to flee or grovel, or if you want, you can cast it in a 60-foot cone to send your enemies running (and make them unable to take reaction).
Happy Adventuring!