Don’t Try This at Home: Glowing Metal Kylo Ren Lightsaber That Really Works

The folks at Hacksmith Industries build working prototypes based on the things in comics, movies, and video games. For Star Wars Day they brought the heat with a tungsten and titanium blade heated to 3000° Fahrenheit.
This is not Hacksmith’s first time at this particular rodeo – they started making working lightsabers three years ago with a classic, single blade. They’ve perfected the blade construction, so why not add some complication? This new lethal weapon required some electrical engineering and high-end 3D printing to build the crossguard and extra blades.
This is only the first step to recreating the cracked Kyber crystal weapon seen in the movie, which has a flame-like, unstable appearance that they’ve yet to perfect. Make sure you subscribe to keep up with what they’re working on.
And this is why you don’t try this kind of thing at home.