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Games Workshop Reopening Webstore For USA, Australia & More

3 Minute Read
May 6 2020

Games Workshop announces more territories are getting access to the Webstore – USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Italy!

We reported yesterday that GW in the USA was apparently shipping product again. It looks like the GW webstores are coming back online for a few more territories tomorrow. Get ready to place your orders…just remember there will be some extra delays.

via Warhammer Community

Possible Queues

Just like the rest of the world, there may be a queue when you pop over to the GW page. Here’s the basics of how it works:

“The queue is set up so access will be on a first come, first served basis and will appear as a holding page that will let you know how long your wait is likely to be. It’ll remember your place too, so you can wander off to brew yourself a nice cup of recaff, take a wander around your living room or count your paints… and your place in the queue will remain secure.

Once your turn comes, you’ll have as long as you need to browse the site and get through the checkout. So long as you’re active on the site, you can stay as long as you want. If, however, you leave the site for over 30 minutes, you’ll need to rejoin the queue to kick-off a new session. Likewise, if you just sit there for more than 30 minutes doing nothing at all, like a sunbathing Slann Starmaster on a lazy Sunday, you’ll also need to rejoin the queue.”

Item Limits

Again, there may be limits on the items you can purchase. GW will be limited the sales of these items to 3 per order.

Citadel Colour Paints (the limit is 3 per colour, not just 3 paints!)
Spray Paints
Citadel Super Glue
Citadel Plastic Glue
Prophecy of the Wolf


If something does go out of stock then your best option is to sign-up for the GW ‘Email Me’ reminders.

Shipping Changes

Games Workshop is implementing some safety precautions for their warehouse workers (good!) and that will impact shipping. These changes include limiting the number of workers in the warehouse at one time and other safety precautions. So show them some patience as they get their orders out to you as they will take longer than normal. On the flip side, if they take longer than 28 days do contact the customer service team for updates and assistance.

Free Shipping Threshold

“Also, the ship-to-store option won’t be available for now, as the majority of our Warhammer Stores remain closed for the moment. We know loads of you like to take advantage of this service, but don’t worry – for those of you in territories where you’d normally be able to order to your local Warhammer store, and they aren’t currently open, we are lowering the Free Standard Shipping threshold on orders by 50%.


So in the USA, for example, eligible orders over $32 will ship, free of charge, to your home.”

We’re thrilled that GW is getting back up and running. Here at BoLS, we’ve been missing GW products as much as the next hobbyists out there. At the same time we hope their employees stay safe and healthy above all. These folks are risking their own health to bring us the hobby products we all enjoy. So let’s extend them some patience and courtesy as they get everything sorted out.


Please wash your HANDS(!!!!) cover your face, and stay safe out there…

Author: Adam Harrison
  • D&D Accessories: Chits, Tokens, & Markers