Gen Con Moves Online – Registration Tomorrow

Almost two weeks after Gen Con was canceled, convention organizers have announced Gen Con online. Registration starts tomorrow, come take a look.
Earlier this month, Gen Con was cancelled to protect the health and safety of the many gamers who gather in Indianapolis every year to see all the latest in board games, miniatures games, roleplaying games, and enough related accessories to populate a season’s worth of King of the Hill jokes. Now they’ve gone Virtual, with a new digital event coming at the end of July. Let’s check it out.
via Gen Con
Gen Con Online is a new virtual convention experience featuring four days of remote gaming, streaming shows, your favorite exhibitors, and more — all from the safety of your devices and the comfort of your favorite quarantine sweatpants!
Key Dates (Times in EDT)
Badge Registration: June 1 at noon — Registration is free, but required for participation in scheduled events.
Event Submission: June 8 at noon
Event Registration: July 13 at noon
Convention Dates:July 30 – August 2
You can expect to see many of the same kinds of panels that were previously featured in Gen Con online events–earlier this year we saw a big roundtable discussion on how to play board games online:
Representatives from digital board game platforms discuss how to play board games online, accessibility features to assist with set-up and ease of use, the benefits of playing board games with your friends online, and then share their favorite games to play online. Platforms and tools discussed include: Tabletopia, Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, Tabletop Simulator, Discord, Zoom, and more!
As mentioned above, the event will be free, though participants are required to register. We’ll be watching for more news and a schedule as it develops. The Con is slated for July 30-August 2nd, and we’ll keep you up to date with all the details, so check back soon for more info.
Good luck out there