Goatboy’s 40K: Chaos Conundrum – Pick My Next Army

Goatboy here asking for your help picking between two Chaos lists I want to throw down with. I need to be ready when I get a chance to throw some real dice.
Goatboy here and I figured I would right the current lists I have ready to go. I have finished 4 upgrades to current armies I have during the Quarantine as well as knocked out some client work and other fun stuff. This leaves me with out much to do beyond client work for the next few weeks as we await the opening of the ark that is new Psychic Awakening nonsense. Right now I have 2 lists I want to try out for fun and then another depending on when we get ahold of Engine War. Let’s talk about the two lists I want to throw down with as I am sure things will change as I get a chance to throw real dice at a buddy or two.
Dreadnoughts & Red Corsairs
List 1 – Will call this the Dreadbro list as it runs a lot of dreadnoughts. Heck I am sure you saw my hobby post where I posted all the ones I have laying around in my room. I painted 2 more after posting that and updated the paint scheme on another just due to my love of dreadnoughts. With that – let’s break it down.
Red Corsair Dreads – aka Advance, Charge, and say ARRGHHH!!!
Chaos Space Marine Battalion – +5CP
Legion – Red Corsairs – +3 CP
Daemon Prince of Chaos – Wings, Malefic Talon X 2, Mark of Slaanesh, Warp Bolter, Warlord – Hatred Incarnate, Relic – Intoxicating Elixir – 168pts
Sorcerer – Force Sword, Mark of Tzeentch – Warptime, Weaver of Fates – 88pts
Chaos Space Marines X 5 – 55pts
Chaos Space Marines X 5 – 55pts
Chaos Space Marines X 5 – 55pts
-Heavy Support-
Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought – Mark of Tzeentch, Hellforged Siege Claw X 2 – 267pts
Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought – Mark of Tzeentch, Hellforged Siege Claw X 2 – 267pts
Vanguard Detachment – +1CP
Legion – Red Corsairs
Chaos Lord w/Jump Pack – Fist of Decay (-1CP), Mark of Nurgle- 102pts
Hellbrute – Fist X 2, Comboi-Bolter X 2, Mark of Tzeentch – 94pts
Hellbrute – Fist X 2, Comboi-Bolter X 2, Mark of Tzeentch – 94pts
Hellbrute – Fist X 2, Comboi-Bolter X 2, Mark of Tzeentch – 94pts
Vanguard Detachment – +1CP
Legion – Red Corsairs
Exalted Champion – Mark of Khorne, Thunder Hammer – 110pts
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought – Deathclaw X 2, Soulburner X 2, Mark of Tzeentch – 178pts
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought – Deathclaw X 2, Soulburner X 2, Mark of Tzeentch – 178pts
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought – Deathclaw X 2, Soulburner X 2, Mark of Tzeentch – 178pts
PTS – 1983 CP – +12CP
Huron’s Tactics
This is a pretty simple army full of giant robots that are going to advance, charge, and hopefully reroll hits/wounds depending on auras. It isn’t a very elegant army but it sure fits that what to play when we get a chance to throw down. It is simple, should be fun, and I can just come at you so hard with all my monsters of death. The Chaos Lord with a Jump Pack and Fist is the only thing I might be missing – I don’t remember if I went ahead and throw that guy together from all the crazy options I have laying around. If not – well I know what I will be working on this week. It will be a nice addition to the next hobby article I will throw up called – why do I keep painting Chaos Characters?
Stinky Rhinos
Of course – if this doesn’t work out as something my buddy wants to play I can always throw down with this hot mess. It is a tweak of last weeks list as I sat down and wrote out what I actually have and wanted to play with. I have been spending the last few days finishing up all these Plague Marines and actually have all the flails built and ready to go. Lots of conversion work, some curbside pick up, and green stuff later has me with all these toys built and ready to go.
Death Guard Mosh Pit
Death Guard Battalion – +5CP
Chaos Lord – Power Sword, Chainsword, Relic – Plaguebringer, Warlord – Arch-Contaminator – 78pts
Daemon Prince of Nurgle – Wings, Relic (-1CP) – The Suppurating Plate – 180pts
Biologus Putrifier – 60pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Plague Knives X 2, Plague Flail X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 101pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Plague Knives X 2, Plague Flail X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 101pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Plague Knives X 2, Plague Flail X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 101pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Plague Knives X 2, Plague Flail X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 101pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Plague Knives X 2, Plague Flail X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 101pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Plague Knives X 2, Plague Flail X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 101pts
-Dedicated Transports-
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2 – 69pts
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2 – 69pts
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2 – 69pts
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2 – 69pts
Death Guard Vanguard – +1CP
Malignant Plaguecaster – 95pts
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought – Butcher Cannon X 2, Havoc Launcher – 144pts
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought – Butcher Cannon X 2, Havoc Launcher – 144pts
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought – Butcher Cannon X 2, Havoc Launcher – 144pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Plague Knives X 2, Plague Flail X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 101pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Plague Knives X 2, Plague Flail X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 101pts
PTS: 2000 CP: +8
Doing Papa’s Work
This one seems simple enough too with just a ton of Plague Marines running around doing the good work for Papa Nurgle. It might seem to on the nose right now – so will see but it is fully done and ready to go. I just need to find the Havoc Launchers for my Dreadnoughts. Heck I think I have too many dang dreadnoughts eh?
So which one should I take out first? I got a few weeks before I play a garage game with masks so which one should I slow roll out?