Goatboy’s 40K: Chaos Hellwright Fixin’ Up His Boyz

Goatboy here. Let’s put that sexy new Chaos Hellwright into a list to help out his stompy daemonic friends.
I talked about the new hidden gem a buddy told me about on Monday from Forgeworld (please keep him!) and even planned on building one. At the time of writing this I had just gathered the parts so it might already be done when everyone is reading this. The Chaos Helwright does a lot of interesting things and when mixed with a few Warlord traits and other options you’ve got a powerful little tool to try and keep your big boys alive. With that – let’s go into a Chaos Knight army as will be seeing some new rules for them in the coming weeks.
My initial good Chaos Knight list is 3 Thermal Knights mixed with 5 Lightning Coil Moriaxes. I think we can easily rework the list by dropping 2 of the Moriaxes and fit in enough Chaos stuff to pull in an Alpha Legion Battalion to gain some CP to upgrade the Helwright into a monster – and maybe grab a cool Chaos Lord to help the building clear out options. Let’s start with the shell of the list and go from there.
Hellwright & Big Friends
Super Heavy Detachment – Chaos Knights – +6CP
Household – Iconoclast
Chaos Despoiler – Thermal Cannons X 2, Heavy Stubber – 397pts
Chaos Despoiler – Thermal Cannons X 2, Heavy Stubber – 397pts
Chaos Despoiler – Thermal Cannons X 2, Heavy Stubber – 397pts
War Dog Moriax X 3, Lightning Coil X 6 – 465pts
Alpha Legion Battalion – +5CP
Chaos Hellwright on Dark Abeyant – Mark of Slaanesh, We Are Alpharius – Head Hunter (-1CP), Relic (-1CP) – Mindveil – 136pts
Chaos Lord – Mark of Khorne, Chainsword X 2, Relic – Blade of the Hydra, Warlord – Exalted Champion – 74pts
Cultists X 10 – 40
Cultists X 10 – 40
Cultists X 10 – 40
PTS: 1986 CP: +12
Devilish Tactics
The only thing I wish I could do is find a way to give a Jump Pack to the Chaos Lord. It would make the model a lot more reliable to get into things – but as is, he is ok. He comes in with 6+d3 Hydra Blade attacks and then an extra Chainsword attack. He can fight again if needed so he should be able to do enough damage to scouts and other smaller squads. The Hellwright is there to give extra weight to hit big things, target characters as needed, and give some punch if you want too. The ability to go to Alpha Legion means any vehicle hit could explode and do some fun damage to the enemy around him. The Hellwright can also have some fun shooting at things that are redeploying due to again – the fun the Alpha Legion bring to the table.
Hopefully I get this guy done and he shows up on my insider post and my Instagram later on this week.
Until next time – Death to the False Emperor!