Pimpcron: My Wishlist for 9th Edition

Oh boy, here I go wishin’ again!
Hey folks, my attorney has advised me to apologize for not having an article published last week. I know that my articles provide your weekly dose of Vitamin P which is often incorporated in mental health regiments world-wide. So for that, I am sorry I let you down.
Anyway, unless you’ve been living under a rock (sorry Patrick Star), you know that 9th edition has been announced and the juicy leak was sprayed all over the internet. Wowee, those new Necrons really got my blood pumping … in my external novelty blood pump keychain I carry around. So here is my list of things I want out of the new edition, in no particular order other than the order I wrote them.
Command Point Overhaul
They’ve already vaguely announced it, but I am hoping that we see some balancing. I think they originally intended to make a reward system for bringing a more well-rounded list, but what we got was an imbalanced ability for armies to farm CP. Some factions have a super easy time filling detachments for Command Points, while others really struggle. I think anyone could see that giving both players the same number of CP depending on what size game they are playing is a great move toward balance. That being said, I feel like we will probably see fewer Troops on the field which I am not a fan of.
“Game over, man!”
That being said, I wish they would actually restrict Command Point usage rather than expand it. I really like the way AoS handles Command Abilities. From the reduced number of CPs, to the required proximity to a Hero. I’d like to see fewer CP, which makes their usage more strategic.
Flyers! Spread Your Wings!
I really liked the way Flyers were treated prior to 8th edition, being able to go off the board edge and come back on later. From what I’ve heard, this is going to be a thing now in 9th again, which excites me.
Honestly, a complete redo on how Flyers are treated would be great. Here’s what they should do now:
- Can fly on and off the board
- Can’t be hit by Flamers
- Completely ignore enemy units beneath them
- Ignore the penalty to hit with heavy weapons
- Has literal feathers glued on
I’m interested to see what they do with flyers, but nearly anything will be better than how they are now. At the moment, they all just feel like crappy skimmers instead of real air support.
Ya Know What? Vehicles Too
It has really bothered me for all of 8th edition that units with the vehicle keyword don’t just ignore the penalty for moving and shooting heavy weapons. You’ve had teams of engineers spend years to make the very best murderizing machine possible. I mean, this vehicle has targeting sights, scanners, fear detectors, and even a second glove compartment. This is the most efficient way to make widows and orphans that your race can come up with … unless you move it. Then its aim is all catty-wompus and can’t hit the broad side of a Broadside to save its life.
“No, no, I’m fine to drive the tank. I’ll be fine.”
Who knew that all Chaos had to do to tear down the Imperium is just kind of nudge their vehicles a bit? As far as 8th edition is concerned, driver’s education classes for military vehicles has been outsourced to the lowest bidder. An internal investigation found that nearly 40% of all tank drivers rev up the engines to the maximum RPMs and then just slam the thing into gear. They can’t drive worth anything and many of them aren’t even aware that there is a brake.
The App
I am super cautiously excited about this new app. I mean, their apps in the past have been garbage, so I would not hold my breath even if I did breathe. But this is also something I’ve been saying forever. make a competent app that houses all your army rules, saves your lists, allows you to rename units, track campaigns, etc. This is the age of technology and it is about time they jumped on board.
It has made zero sense why they have let 3rd parties make list building apps for their games. Now I know, “let” is a bit of a loose term here but essentially they have allowed it to happen. I am hoping that this app has automatic updates to the rules as GW puts them out. As a side note, it would be really awesome if you could order pizza through the app, balance your budget, trade stock, call an Uber, and create a new language. But some have said that I am too ambitious.
What else do you want to change?
Hey! This article is brought to you by my top-tier Patreon supporter Mike Cowley!
Thanks Michael, smooches!
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