Privateer Press: Games, Pins, And More On Sale Now

Privateer Press is offering a 25% discount on most of their catalogue right now to help boost the spirits of those stuck at home.
Come Quarantine with Warmachine as Privateer Press extends their 25% off flash sale! With discounts on just about everything in their catalogue, there’s a whole lot of stuff to dive into. So let’s take a look at what they have on offer, and get right to it.
via Privateer Press
Privateer Press games, Exclusives, Pins, and more are on sale right now! Staying home can get you down, so we’ve made nearly our entire catalog available for 25% off!
Ashlynn D’elyse – $24.99
Following Ashlynn’s efforts in leading the liberation of Llael, the nation’s newly coroneted queen proclaimed her “The Queen’s Blade,” bestowing upon her the highest military authority in the land. Ashlynn is joined by a retinue of famous Llaelese duelists—Marie Aguillon, renowned for her master swordsmanship, and Vayne di Brascio, a skilled gun mage who spent years as a freedom fighter under Ashlynn’s command.
The newest iteration of Ashlynn leads her troops from the front alongside her two new companions. Ashlynn is a master duelist and a champion of her people, both of which are represented in her rules. Not only is she capable of fighting face-to-face with some of the strongest enemies, she also provides benefits and buffs to nearby warrior models as she encourages them forward to victory. To ensure she reaches the frontline, players will want to protect Ashlynn with a Vanguard (PIP 41153) or two in her battlegroup.
Coalition Weaver – $14.99
Trained and equipped to work seamlessly in support of their Warcasters, Coalition Weavers are the spearpoint of the Warcasters’ arcane might. Swift moving and hard to pin down, these aggressive Weavers open their minds completely to their Warcaster’s destructive power, enabling them to retain an echo of the Furies channeled through them for concurrent projections. The Coalition Weaver’s battle staff is a potent force weapon, capable of slamming any enemy out of the Weaver’s path.
Clear Green Gobbicus – $34.99
Human scientists are baffled by the emergence of the Waste. The only thing about these new destructive creatures that’s been verified by multiple sources is that they seem to be spreading from the Chicago area. The prevailing theories all propose Globbicus represents the impact the Monsterpocalypse is having on the planet Earth. Embedded in the creature’s free-flowing form are the remnants of a power plant. During the initial skirmish between Gorghadra and human forces, that great cosmic beast was thrown into a power plant, leveling it and suffering significant damage. Perhaps this repulsive entity was formed when some of the Planet Eater’s flesh came into contact with the fuel rods exposed in the facility’s destruction. Or perhaps the eldritch energies unleashed by the Lords of Cthul have shifted reality enough that the laws of physics are beginning to break down. Even less clear are the creature’s motives, and theories abound on the topic of its intelligence. The only thing scientists have come to a conclusion regarding is that more observation and samples are necessary to truly understand this new threat.
This exclusive model is cast in semi-clear green-colored resin, perfect for when he enters hyper mode, or you want Globbicus to have a more gelatinous look!
Quarantining at home might be tough–but at least you’ll have your favorite warcasters to keep you company