Star Wars: X-Wing – Test Out These New Solo Rules For Yourself

Are you an X-Wing Pilot looking to keep your skills sharp but can’t find an opponent? Check out these new rules from Fantasy Flight Games.
It’s X-Wing in a time of quarantine and FFG knows you might be getting rusty on the flight deck. If you take your squadrons out for a spin without risking social distancing snafus then try out these new rules from FFG that will have you back in the dog fight in no time!
“Now, we’re working on an entirely new way to play out the space battles of the Star Wars galaxy, and we need your help! Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce an open alpha for X-Wing Solo Play!
This new game mode gives you the chance to test your skills against a dynamic and unpredictable automated opponent whose behavior is dictated by simple rules using components found in the X-Wing Core Set. As these rules are still being developed, we need your help to test them. Throughout the development process, we’ll ask for your feedback using Google Forms.”
Rules You Can Use
The system uses a pre-programed “AI” bank of rules that determine what the “solo” shop opponents will do. All you have to do is roll the dice to see what maneuver they will execute. The “Tally” in this case would be an object or ship they have “spotted” and are focusing on. This “AI” isn’t just used for maneuvers either – it’s also used to determine “attitude” for upcoming engagements.
“For example, if no enemy ship is in its firing arc, a ship taking an offensive attitude will use its action to perform a boost, barrel roll, or rotate action that puts an enemy ship in its firing arc.”
It’s a pretty simple system and the first flight puts you in the dogfight against two TIE/ln Fighters. If you want to give it a go, check out the rules below:
Solo Play Open Alpha Rules
Also, because this is an OPEN ALPHA test, FFG wants your feedback, too. You can fill out this Google Form to provide your feedback. They do say that *most* ships should and will work – but you might come across some strange interactions. They have guidelines for that, but that’s also where your feedback comes in handy.