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Warhammer 40K: Archaeopter Focus – Three New Flyers For The Ad Mech

3 Minute Read
May 5 2020
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The Achaeopter plugs a big hole in the Ad Mech range and today we’re getting a closer look at all three variants.

The Adeptus Mechanicus needed a flyer for their range and now they are getting three with the upcoming kit for the Archaeopter. Games Workshop is previewing the model and what makes each version different.

Transvector – The Transport

The Transvector is your basic build – it’s a transport flyer. It’s packing cognis heavy stubbers for firesupport but it’s main function is getting units onto the battlefield where you need them to be. We also learned that it’s piloted by a member of the Pteraxii caste who’s been hardwired into the craft. That’s kinda creepy when you think about it and it also explains a little bit of the design similarities with the wings. No word on the transport capacity on this one yet – that’s going to be a big factor for this vehicle’s success or not.

Stratoraptor – The Gunship


This is the Gunship version and it’s packing upgraded firepower. It’s got twin congis lascannons, a pair of heavy phosphor blasters and heavy stubbers, too. I’m curious if it’s still going to have a transport capacity or not (probably not as the stubber blocks the side exits). I’m also curious about the amount of firepower this flyer is going to be able to generate and if that will make it worth including in your army. That also depends on the point cost as well. I’d take one just based on the cool-factor…and I’d make pew-pew-pew sounds while using it, too.

Fusilave – The Bomber

The final variant we’re getting is the Fusilave which is a bomber. It definitely got the passenger seats removed so no transport capacity here. It’s got a bomb rack filled with tectomagnic bombs. These apparently do a number on their targets by causing seismic shock waves (and probably a big boom) when they hit their target. It’s still got heavy stubbers for extra fire support as well. It’s going to be interesting to see the differences between the bombs on this version vs the Stratoraptor’s guns. They may be competing for a similar role in your army lists.

Thematically, all three of these flyers fit into the army really well. A transport, a gunship and a bomber all have different jobs in the real world so it will be interesting to see how GW makes them different on the tabletop. The model looks very unique compared to other flyers and certainly fits in the theme of the Ad Mech. I can’t wait to get my hands on this one!



What do you think of the Archaeopter and which archetype would you go with?

Author: Adam Harrison
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