Warhammer 40K: Look At All The New Necrons

Are we calling them Nu-Crons? Maybe. But by the ever phasing C’Tan, they got some sweet new models. Let’s talk!
The Necrons are getting one heck of an update. You probably saw the post already but after going over the “annotated” version in more detail, there is a lot to pick apart. So let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
What picture are we talking about? This one of course:
There is a LOT going on in this one but let’s count the number of new things we’re seeing.
#1 Silent King
Gotta start with the return of the King, right? We got the teaser but holy crap this guy is looking pretty amazing.
#2 New C’tan(?)
Well, this one of the Necron units we were hoping would get an update. A new more “Generic” C’tan? Maybe…but it’s almost too cool to be a “generic” C’tan. Move over Nightbringer. Say your last lie Deceiver. There is a new C’tan on the playground…
#3-5 New Destroyer & Friends (?)
There are 3 new types of models in this picture.
- We’ve got the bad-ass looking Destroyer with a MASSIVE new Gauss weapon. Cool new body and everything.
- Then we have the strange looking close combat unit – still not sure what they are suppose to be yet. Hopefully they are replacing the Flayer (cause I hate those models). Their bodies are very round and they have spikes for hands.
- Then we have the strange Necron-priest looking guy. Again, weird. does he have really long legs? Is he just a top-half of a necron floating? Pretty neat!
#6 New Walker…Thing
It’s hard to tell, but those could be two very different units. The perspective in the picture is a little off – but they could also be from a single kit. Anyhow, we’ve obviously got one with a big death-ray and another without it. Are these some type of new Scarab-lord things? If GW was going for that “War-of-the-Worlds” Vibe, they pretty much nailed it.
#7 New Necron Blackstone Monolith
There is a new monolith structure in town and it’s got some enhanced Blackstone inside of it. Maybe this is just a new Monolith altogether as that model was one of the older ones in the range. The gateway looks like it’s been updated and you can see the Blackstone inside. Plus, if you look at the background one, you can see the different weapon options (circled in red). Also notice the change to the crystal at the top?! I’m loving this redesign!!!
#8 Skorpekh Lord
We also learned the name of this model – the Skorpekh Lord. He’s big and bulky and ready to do battle! I’m wondering if we’re going to get a whole unit of Skorpekhs to run around with the Lord model…that would be pretty rad (see below)!
#9 New Warriors
Let’s not skim over the new warriors that ALSO got updated. I’m really liking their new weapons and their beat-up look.
#10 New Terrain (?)
And finally, what about those weird structures in the background? Are the Necrons getting new terrain? That would be pretty darn cool, too! Maybe it’s just something that the folks at the studio put together from random extra bits and if it is, I REALLY hope we get a video on how they made them.
Speaking of video…you probably caught the new edition announcement video, right? Well there was one OTHER unit in that video:
This is the unit I’m talking about that would run around with the Skorpekh Lord. Three-legged close combat monsters with crazy Necron Warglaives sounds pretty awesome to me!
So there you have it, folks! The Necrons are getting at least 9 new kits with the new edition! That’s one heck of an update for these killer robots, don’t ya think?! I have a feeling GW has even more planned for them – and they don’t even have their Psychic Awakening book out yet, either?! Don’t forget about the Illuminor model:
That brings the count to 10 confirmed kits and 11 possible…and that doesn’t count variations within the new units or the possible new terrain kit either!
These models are really going to upgrade the Necron range! And I can’t wait to see them in person and on the tabletop!
Update: Reader Qazorth pointed out yet ANOTHER Necron unit:
It’s a really impressive spread GW. I can’t wait to see their rules…