Warhammer 40K: The Silent King Returns

The Silent King once ruled the ancient empire of the Necrontyr, before they became the Necron. Now, it seems, his return is at hand.
The Necron have been slowly waking up, and long-forgotten protocols coming online as more and more of their dynasties emerge from the long sleep. It’s all been happening in the background of 8th Edition, with the Adeptus Mechanicus stealing away their blackstone deposits, or colonies going missing when they uncovere a Tomb Complex on the verge of reawakening. Now, it seems, they are about to step into the spotlight of the Galactic stage.
The Silent King, the ancient ruler of the Necron, is returning.
In the video, they talk about how this king freed them from the bounds of mortality–and that means that it is most likely Szarekh. The Silent King was a traditional title passed down to the highest ranking Triarch of the Necrontyr. Then Szarekh came along and changed everything… he was the last ruler of the Necrontyr and the first ruler of the Necron.
Szarekh was born into the Szarekhan Dynasty, which at the time tended to have its members appointed as the Silent King. At the time of his rule, the Necrontyr empire was already engaged in a vicious struggle against the Old Ones. In desperation, Szarekh agreed to form an alliance with the C’tan and transfer the Necrontyr into new bodies of living metal, becoming the Necrons. He was convinced into the agreement by The Deceiver and ignored the advice of his court adviser, Orikan. However while they now lived immortal lives and were finally able to emerge victorious in the War in Heaven, Szarekh realised that his people had become soulless pawns of the C’tan and before the war even ended was determined to exact vengeance against the star gods. During biostransference Szarekh was imbued with the command matrices able to control the entire Necron race.
Biding his time, Szarekh waited until the Old Ones were defeated before finally leading a Necron revolt against the erslrmrf C’tan, eventually defeating their former masters and shattering them into shards. However Szarekh saw that the new races created by the Old Ones such as the Eldar were now becoming dominant, and the Necrons, exhausted by aeons of war, could not stand against them. He ordered that the Necrons withdraw into their Tomb Worlds and slumber in the Great Sleep, to reawaken sixty million years in the future and assert their dominance over the galaxy once more. The Silent King, however, did not join his people in slumber. He destroyed the command protocol that allowed him control over the Necron race and journeyed into the void of intergalactic space, where he may find not only solace but also penance for dooming the Necrontyr race.
The Silent King has been gone for… a while now, having given up control of the Necrons after the rebellion. Somewhere out in the void he encountered the Tyranids and secretly returned to fight the Tyranids from the shadows. Now, it seems he’s ready to make his presence known to the Necrons. Is this what Psychic Awakening has been leading up to for the Necron? Only one way to find out.
What do you think of the Silent King’s return?