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40k: Illuminator Szeras Rules Spotted

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Jun 30 2020
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The latest Necron has been spotted in the wild. Take a look.

Psychic Awakening Pariah is mere days away, and some potato camera images have been doing the rounds.

Here’s a snapshot from the Necrons Facebook group, pointed out by B&C’s Sarges

We put it through the de-potatoizer to make it a bit more readable.:

According to this, the all new 2020 Szeras clocks in at 130 points.  Here are his current Codex Necron rules for comparison:



Szeras is Faster, Stronger and Tougher.


He can now enhance units when he destroys enemies in assault, and screws up nearby Psykers.

Overall a nice powerup without being over the top.

~ We will have the full review of Pariah in a few days!

Author: Larry Vela
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