40K: New Death Guard Stratagems

War of the Spider is giving the Death Guard a bunch of new tricks. Take a look.
Psychic Awakening continues with the next volume, War of the Spider hitting the shelves next week. It is focussed on Fabius Bile (detailed here), but it also covers the Adeptus Custodes and the Death Guard. GW just pilled the covers off a bunch of new stratagems for the 14th legion.
Death Guard
First off we get rules for Relics, Stratagems, Warlord Traits, and for each of the seven Plague Companies. Remember these from the codex:
Onto the Strats
Here’s four samples:
5th Plague Company – The Poxmongers
Not bad, and a way to probably get an extra round of shooting out of the Death Guard’s slow as molasses units.
Very nice, effective, and flavorful. You can feel the WW1 vibe a mile away.
1st Plague Company – Typhus’ own, The Harbingers
~All hail Grandfather Nurgle!