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40K: War of the Spider’s Cosmic Powerup Mystery

3 Minute Read
Jun 22 2020
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Two tantalizing mysteries are revealed in War of the Spider, What do you think they mean?

As we have seen throughout the Psychic Awakening series, GW has been sprinkling clues of what comes next in the middle of each book. The two-page “Echoes of Awakening” offer little tidbits of things that have occurred, are occurring, or will occur. As the warp is involved, GW cunningly scrambled these little clues up across the 9 volumes, so there is no chronological order to them.

Knowing GW’s penchant for easter eggs, I pay attention to anything that doesnt have an easy explanation, as it’s probably foreshadowing for future events and plot twists. With only one volume of Psychic Awakening left, and the new 9th Edition rulebook approaching the time is ripe for cryptic reveals. Here are War of the Spider’s pair of mysteries:

Something is Being Turned On

To me, this one has Necrons written all over it. They are the remaining faction in Pariah, and are the big stars of the kickoff of  9th Edition. If you remember there was a 200 year gap between the end of 7th’s Rise of the Primarch and 8th Edition’s rulebook lore. I can see a similar jump from 8th to 9th to give the events of Psychic Awakening time to”settle”.

This sounds like the Necrons are powering up something that is part of their racial reawakening. Note that this could tie into the stories we’ve already been teased from Pariah. This could tie into:

  • The warp-blocking engines that sever the warp from tetrahedron shaped areas of space.
  • Dolmen Gates being reactivated to access the webway.
  • Something related to The Silent King’s return.
  • Something related to Blackstone Fortresses.

The Spider is Hunted

This one is more clear cut but still not explained. We know that in the past, Fabius Bile has worked with the Dark Eldar to exchange knowledge. In the plot of War of the Spider there is no mention of the Drukhari at all. It ends with The Spider escaping into space and heading back to his Homeworld in the Eye of Terror.


But apparently the Homunculus Cabals did not think well of him and are starting a hunt for the Primogenitor.  Perhaps we will learn more in Pariah, or perhaps this plotline will continue in 9th Edition. It’s something to look out for when the CSM and Drukhari codexes get redone.

My question is what to they want from him? Is it simple desire for slaughter, or some knowledge Fabius possesses that the Cabals desire? He did just get himself a cargohold full of Custodes.

~What do you think these two mean?

Author: Larry Vela
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