40K: Zero to Hero – Vehicles To Watch in 9th Edition

Vehicles are getting a new lease on life in 9th Edition. Here’s our list of ones to watch out for.
Tanks (and Monsters) are back with a vengeance in 9th edition. You can read all about the rules changes here, but long story short… look for vehicles to put out more accurate firepower, aggressive maneuvering, and a pugnacious attitude towards getting stuck in. You will see a lot less slinking around the edge of the board taking pot-shots and more heroic sallying forth into the midst of the enemy.
We put our heads together and came up with a list of some vehicles we think have a great future in 9th, after some meh times in 8th. Let’s hit it:
Leman Russ
The entire Leman Russ family is looking good. The tanks are tough, loaded down with guns to the gills, have rules to keep them firing. There is no wrong choice, and I am already hearing cheering and high fives from Imperial Guard players around the world. Armored Company might really be a thing in 9th!
Land Raider Redeemer
People forget that Land Raiders are a pain in the ass to kill. You can also hide an entire Custodes army behind one. While any of the Land Raier family looks way better in 9th, try out the Redeemer, and roll it right up the bad guys filled with something nasty inside, like Centurions. The Salamanders techmarines are already working overtime to crank these out.
To best offer up prayer to the Emperor, fill with Heavy Flamer Retributors, take Immolation flamers, point towards heretics, and press down firmly on the gas. REJOICE in His Glory!
The Battlewagon is pretty tough, has decent guns, and carries a lot of greenskins. We will have to wait to see how opened-topped will work in 9th, but if occupants CAN fire into units who are in melee with their transport vehicle, AND you can stuff this thing full of Burna-boys… Well that is what we down here in Texas call… one heck of a BBQ!
Plagueburst Crawler
These never went out of style but with the flamer options (ALWAYS take the Plaguespitters), and the Daemon Engine bonuses to keep them alive, the Death Guard will be fielded them in ever greater numbers.
Bonus: Malcador Infernus
Want to see squads of Primaris Marines start quaking in their boots? Roll this bad boy onto the table and let them enjoy 2d6 automatic hits at S7, AP-2 D2. All the other nasty guns are just gravy! Plus you get to paint up that cute little wagon.
~What vehicles are you eyeing cunningly on your dusty shelves?