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Age of Sigmar: Teclis & Celennar Rules Arrive

2 Minute Read
Jun 28 2020
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Lumineth Ream-Lords arrive this weekend with an new splash Army set. Let’s take a look at the highest of High Aelves – Teclis.




You will remember that Teclis was lost in the final controntation during The Old World’s END TIMES. GW has introduced him into the lore of Age of Sigmar. He’s been having constant conversations with Sigmar needling him about the state of current events, but with the Lumineth Realm Lords book’s arrival, we have been waiting to see his true stats . At long last, the wait is over:

The Miniature

It’s controversial and folks have a strong reaction to the miniature one way or the other – but here’s the big cheese, with his winged friend Celennar, Spirit of Hysh.

The Rules


The big guy clocks in at 660 pts, but what a spellcasting powerhouse you get in exchange. He’s up there in the rarified air with the game’s other uber-elite spellcasters.

Archmage offers some interesting choices. 1 uber spell that auto-casts, and cannot be unbound. or a high amount of casts (up to 4) that are possible to unbind.

Friendly magic is easier goes off with in an initially huge radius of the Celennar, and Teclis’ two unique spells are solid, and probably going off every turn. He’s gonna be tossing out lots of Mortal wounds all over the place each turn.

~What do you think of Teclis’s new incarnation in the Mortal Realms? Can he hang with the other uber characters in the game?


humble beginnings…

Author: Larry Vela
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