Goatboy’s 40k: 9th Edition Latest Rules Excitement

Goatboy here and we got some more rules hints as we swim thru all the “faction” focus stuff. Let’s talk.
There isn’t a ton of new information in the focus’s but they like to throw in some interesting things here and there. It seems a lot more Assault have shown up this week and as we get closer to the release let’s go over a few of them.
Reserving Judgement
The big thing I have heard more chatter about is controlling the reserves game. What this means is I think will be able to throw more things into reserves. This can be amazing – especially with terrain getting a good change up to allow for better “hidden” areas for your army. I saw this as a player that likes to throw big monsters on the table. Normally you wanted to go first with these types of armies as you needed to get as close as you can to either force an awesome charge or at least control your opponents attention for the turn. Now with the ability to hopefully put on of your big boys into reserves you can hopefully keep him off, let your opponent go first, and then reap the benefits of your army doing other things then trying to get your big boy into the line. We’ll see if it works out well as we get close to the release but it is something to truly think about. Especially since we got a bit of info that allows our reserve units to come from our board edge and get basically placed into combat. Pretty spicy with Morty getting mad, coming off your edge and slicing and dicing his way to victory. It also means you can for sure set up your powerful spells and strats to protect your monstrous investments.
Overwatch got a big overhaul with the ability become a Stratagem. I know a lot of players are sad as their Tau got a bit of a kick in the teeth but if you read their for the greater good ability they will still be a problem. It just means all those guys will shoot at the unit they are worried about when they charge in. Sure it means only one “overwatch” happens – but it will usually mean everything shoots at one thing and kinda guarantees one Overwatch’d unit is going to eat it when they come in hot. I am sure there are some other things coming too – especially with the other hinted at rule for Breakout and allowing any unit to leave combat. Locking in those Tau Fire Warriors will not guarantee you won’t get shot by the rest of their army. Heck that new rule is also an interesting one as my buddy Nick brought up – you could “breakout” a locked in drop pod and have it auto die. Then you can shoot up all the left over jerks surrounding the “sacrificed” drop pod. Interesting stuff in there.
New Units
The new Bikes and weird Necron walker seem good. Don’t you love how the bikes got an extra wound on top of being a Primaris biker? You would think they wouldn’t be sitting at Custodes Dawn Eagle bike level but will see what they end up costing when the new points come out. It feels like they are really going to be pushing the whole – why aren’t you playing Primaris versus old marines?
The Sisters brought some new rules too – with the small bit of info about having to reach all the units you charge with a charge roll. You fail to be able to hit all of them you fail the charge. This will really focus the player on just making it to one unit – thus limiting some of the enveloping nonsense you can do. I remember a game fondly where I somehow killed 3 Leman Russes with one smash captain. Move, punch, kill, watch it explode, take some wounds, my consolidation too me to another one, attack again, consolidate closer to the third, watch it explode again, die to the explosion, and then fight on in death. This was all due to being within 12″ of all the tanks and only making it to the main one. This is a big change and probably for the best as we have some funky double attack options that can all of a sudden move a model thru a ton of units some some CP spending when they wouldn’t have even reached them with their initial charge.
Look Out Sir!
We saw a new Look out Sir rule for Characters too which makes a lot more sense. This should hurt some of those old Chaplain Dread armies that would throw a few of them in the back field throwing down Lascannon shots all game as you dealt with the nonsense in the middle. I expect that unit to most likely go away as you can’t buy a model anymore but we will see. I am hoping this week we see some Forge World rules showcase to see how they update them to fit in the 40k universe a bit more.
I’m Pumped!
Right now I am pretty dang excited about the new edition. I can’t wait to get my hands on a box or two in the coming weeks as it sounds like we got a July release from all the chatter/rumors/etc. This is huge as we all know it is hard to build a new army without knowing how many things we need to buy, test out, and hopefully paint. Right now my list for myself looks like Fabius Bile and maybe finally painting the real Mortarion I have in a box. What are you guys working on? The Death Guard update has me very excited as I have a ton of Plague Marines done, PBC’s, and even the new sweetness with the Drone action. Throw in more CPs and we have a recipe for what might be a strong army.
~What new rules are you most excited for?