Goatboy’s 40k – Slaanesh Love, Love, Loves You

Goatboy here and pure Slaanesh is one of those armies I always liked. Let’s see what Shalaxi and her Exalted Crew can do.
There is something about a ton of Daemonettes, Keepers, and other big creepy monsters that just seems like a lot of crazy 40k fun. I don’t know how 9th will roll out with the push to flat CP gained per points so will just throw something together – Exalted 3 Keepers, and see how many Crab Claw Handed monsters we can get set up. With that – let’s begin the building!
Slaanesh Wants to Play
Chaos Daemons Battalion
Chaos God – Slaanesh
Exalted Keeper of Secrets – Shining Aegis, Exalted – Realm-Racer – 220pts
Exalted Keeper of Secrets – Shining Aegis, Exalted – Lightning Flayer, Warlord – Cerelity of Slaanesh, Relic – Silverstrike – 220pts
Exalted Keeper of Secrets – Shining Aegis, Exalted – Quicksilver Reflexes – 220pts
Daemonettes X 30, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos – 205pts
Daemonettes X 30, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos – 205pts
Daemonettes X 30, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos – 205pts
Fiends of Slaanesh X 3, Blissbringer X 1 – 148pts
Supreme Command Detachment
Shalaxi Helbane, Shining Aegis – 220pts
The Contorted Epitome – 195pts
Daemon Prince of Chaos – Slaanesh, Malefic Talon X 2 – 156pts
Pts: 1994 CP: Who knows?
Seductive Tactics
As you can see this is a big monster rush list. The idea is to just get there, get started, and hopefully cause all kinds of fun damage. If the amount of CPs we get is decent we could throw in some extra Relics and other fun things all based on having the options. The set up here has a few big monsters that move crazy fast and utilize the Exalted ability of having extra hits based on rolling those awesome 6’s. The Current Exalted is set up to have 8 basic attacks and 4 snapping claws attacks. It should set up to get some lovely 6’s to cause extra hits and then the model really gets working into the enemy lines.
Will it work? Who knows with 9th coming out. It has a bunch of monsters that move fast and can advance and charge. If the new set up for terrain is different then there won’t be a way to truly hide from these monsters. If we also get a good deal of Command points as well it could be interesting as a few of these guys could deep strike in. On top of that we have the Mirror causing issues and the Greater Daemon murder machine that is Shalaxi.
Are you excited for 9th edition? Do you want it to just come out so we can figure out what we need to do to our armies? Is it going to be a new age of a ton of different “good” armies out there?