RPG Accessories: Terrain

Is there anything better than showing up at D&D night to a new piece of terrain on your DM’s table? Let’s see where your adventures will take you today.
Who doesn’t love a beautiful spread out terrain map at the RPG table? Realistic buildings and plants? Miniature versions of your characters? Never having to ask where your foe is in relation to you or the rest of your party members? Game maps are one of the single most helpful supplemental items in the DM’s toolbox, and the internet is a treasure trove of really nice options.
Majestic Miniatures Pirate Ship
This shop has so many options ranging from one-off bookcases, to a three story Orc tower fort with floors you can remove to take a look inside and build up as you climb. The featured image on this article includes their incredibly versatile and endlessly useful to D&D tavern set, but I made a last minute decision to link to the pirate ship. Basically, everything Majestic Miniatures is great. 3D printed to order with a level of detail that some printers would laugh at, this piece will transport you to the open seas.
Tower Rex’s Dungeon
Complete with stairs, a crane, suspended cage, pillars, and the detail work to make this look like the shrunk down version of any renn faire ground, the Deep Dark Dungeon sets nail everything I’d want in a tabletop castle. As you can probably tell from the picture, this would require a fair amount of assembly, but all of the pieces are flat, meaning when you’ve spent enough weeks here and are ready to move on this castle will be easy to store until you need it again.
DragonKraft’s Blacksmith Shop
I don’t think about the blacksmith much while I’m playing, but with this set on the table, I’d want to. If you have a character with sword preference or have even broken a weapon you’ll need to make a trip to see them. And no small fantasy town is complete without the local blacksmith who either knows too much or gives you a bad feeling.
The Organized DM’s Tavern / Library
Another shop where I had a hard time picking just one… and so I didn’t. The outdoor area in the featured image is another from The Organized DM in a collection that includes Stone Portals, A Fighter’s Pit, and Sewers. But this set is a double-whammy with tavern on the front and wizard library in the back. Will you encounter both? Will you repurposed one of the rooms and use them at different times? Will you do both because this piece is as versatile as it is beautiful?
Dungeon Chunk’s Lava Cave
I’m going to be honest with you, I’m not sure how often I would use this one. It’s a lava river set, and I can count the number of times my various GMs have sent me to active volcanoes on one hand. But this set is so cool it makes me want to take that fantasy field trip just for the excuse to get it. The little details and textures are amazing with a paint job that makes the lava look like lava. If you’re as impressed as me but already ran the rivers of magma arc of your game, the shop has a bunch of sets which are all compatible with each other and also show the same level of detail, care, and love for tabletop RPGs.
What’s your favorite terrain set? Do you have any tabletop terrain goals? Mine has to be the amazing collection of entire custom sets Dimension 20 always use. Do you prefer a visual D&D aid, or are you a theater of the mind person? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!