Warhammer 40K: 5 New Rules We’re Excited About

We’ve only seen tease so far but these are the 5 rules we know for sure are coming and we can’t wait to try them out!
Game Workshop has slowly been rolling out rules previews. There’s a lot to like in the new edition. So picking just 5 rules we liked was a tough one. There’s more – a lot more – on the way, too. But for now, here are the rules we know are 100% in the game and ones we can’t wait to try!
Big Guns Never Tire
Tread-heads, it’s your time to shine! This rule is going to bring tanks (and monsters) back to the tabletop in droves. At least, we’re hoping so. Long gone will be the days when tanks would get bogged down in close combat. Go ahead and charge my tanks – the sponsons will blast away in my shooting phase anyways! And this pairs perfectly with our next rule…
Blast Weapons
Now, we did have to include the cavout as well but Blast weapons are going to be… a blast! Even Grenades are going to get a bump in next edition. I’m personally very curious to see how folks will change up their unit sizes to either avoid this rule or not. Will we see the return of 5-man units? Are 30 man strong units of Boyz and ‘Gaunts a thing of the past? Don’t count on it…
The change to Overwatch is great for close-combat armies as now you can better calculate the odds of actually getting into engagement range. It’s a lot “safer” to charge at a unit especially if your opponent is 1) out of command points or 2) already activated Overwatch this turn. Maybe we will see some 5-man “bait” squads running around looking to draw out some Overwatch Shots after-all.
New Terrain Rules
The Terrain Rules are a HUGE change. Honestly, we could have picked 5 things about terrain alone. We like that you can basically pick a piece of terrain and just assign traits and categories to it – that will clean up a lot of the confusion before it starts. We also like that Terrain is going to have tactical advantages that will force players to make choices.
But seriously, there’s a LOT of terrain rules. So consider “New Terrain Rules” as an umbrella for all of those changes – and we can’t wait to try them all out!
New Objectives
We’re also SUPER excited about the new objectives coming to the game. We can’t wait to see what other ways there will be to score VPs in 40k. This is an example of how you can get points and we’re looking forward to seeing more. Now, players won’t just want to camp on an objective or two and until the last turn – they are going to have to decide how to score points in a multitude of ways – and that’s a very good thing in our book!
What are some of the new rules you’re looking forward to? Let us know in the comments!