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Warhammer 40K: New Battlefield Sizes Revealed

4 Minute Read
Jun 5 2020
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Games Workshop has shown off some interesting tables for the battlefield sizes they have designed 9th edition around – you’re going to want to see this.

It’s a new edition and GW is taking this opportunity to change things up and today we’re looking at the new battlefield sizes. Now before we go any further – these are the minimums for their respective game sizes. You can still play games on your trusty 4′ x 6′ tables. If you have realm of battle boards, you can still use those, too! Don’t burn your game tables, folks.

The New Sizes

via Warhammer Community

“Of course, these are only the minimum size requirements for your battlefields, so whether you’re using a 6′x4′ table with a Realm of Battle board, linking two, four or six 22″x30″ Killzone boards together according to the battle size you’re playing, or just using a dining room table, you’re good to go.  In fact, most dining room tables should be able to accommodate a Strike Force game!”

In case you’re wondering 44″ is (oddly) around 3.6′ – so again, as minimums, you can still use a 4′ x 6′ table. Here’s the same chart in feet:

  • 3.6′ x 2.5′
  • 3.6′ x 5′
  • 3.6′ x 7.5′

Now, if you’re in the US and play at a game store, you’re probably very familiar with those white Pearl Lifetime tables:

Yeah. Those. Anyhow, those tables come in a few different sizes. 5′ long and 8′ long versions are pretty common. These are still 100% viable with your games. So if you’re a LFGS owner, you’re still good. Don’t burn your game tables.


Other News

We’ve already seen some of the new Command Points tables and Point sizes and now we have even more charts to look at.

Remember that purchasing Detachments will now cost you Command Points – but if your Warlord is part of a Detachment, you’ll get points refunded back to you. We also have Battle Durations which should help gauge about how long a battle will take.


Furthermore, GW is even going to have recommended Terrain Density and Positioning. This is another VERY interesting topic we hope they cover:

“From army size, composition and the likely duration of the game, to the escalating size of the battlefield perimeters for larger games and even terrain density and positioning, everything is covered to help you get the most accessible and enjoyable experience from each game.”

More Mission Rules

“In matched play alone, there are 18 Eternal War missions to choose from (or randomly generate). Here’s a sneak preview of a Combat Patrol mission pack and one of the missions in full…”

This mission is looking VERY similar to an AoS style mission. The Sweep and Clear rule is pretty much the standard way you take and control objective in AoS. Again, we see more evidence that one game systems is informing the design of the other. Also note that the mission doesn’t really give you the full table dimensions. You just have the center of the board mapped out and the distance that the two deployment zones are apart – so this would work for whatever game size you wanted to play based on the minimum tables above.



What are you thinking of the new minimums? Would you want to give a game a try based on the new smaller table sizes?

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K: Battle Sizes, Command Phase, & More Revealed