Warhammer 40K: Revisiting The Death Guard Grenadiers

With the changes to Blast Weapons and the tweaks to Death Guard from Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider the Death Guard’s Grenades are going to be scary.
If you played Death Guard or a long time reader you might remember the army list for maximizing the Biologus Putrifier and the Death Guard’s Grenade attacks. If not, here’s a quick recap. It starts with the Biologus Putrifier:
Keep the Blight Racks rule in mind. Next up, you’d take a unit of 20 Plague Marines. Why? For the Grenade attacks – and for protecting the Biologus Putrifier. The idea was to get the unit within 6″ of the target and then pop them with the Blight Bombardment stratagem along with Veteran of the Long War:
What does that net you? Well, if it all goes according to plan:
- This is 20d6 Blight Grenade attacks!
- These Grenades are: S4, AP -, D2, Plague Weapon (rerolls 1’s to wound)
- These Grenades hit on a 3+
- These Grenades do a BONUS Mortal Wound on top of everything else on each To-wound roll of 6 (THANK YOU Biologus Putrifier)
- You get a +1 on the To-Wound rolls due to Veterans of the Long War. (so effectively 5,6s on your to-wound rolls, trigger the bonus Mortal Wounds)
This attack is kind of amazing if you can pull it off – and in the next edition, it’s actually even scarier because Grenades are Blast Weapons. Which means if you’re targeting a unit that has 6 and 10 models, that’s a minimum of 3 attacks per grenade. And if it’s 11 or more in the unit? That’s 6 attacks per Grenade! Do the math.
“Oh but getting within that short range with Death Guard is really tough to do!” Yes. If only there was a way to extend that range…
Thanks War of the Spider! And yes, Blight Grenades are indeed Plague Weapons. We double checked. Time to get those throwing arms warmed up because it’s going to rain Blight Grenades very, very soon!
Silly gimmick? Sure! But does it actually work? Uh…YES! Give it a try for yourself!