Wyrd: Get Ready to Rock With New Surveyors and a Penny Dreadful Adventure

A new adventure for Through the Breach is out now, and some fighters that are ready to rock and roll.
The latest Penny Dreadful is now available – Days Without Accident has four-acts. Your group of Fated have to choose their allegiance and venture in the Corners to tackle a conspiracy that turns out to be bigger than expected.
The Fated are called to the Corners, a “worker’s paradise” wedged between Downtown, the Industrial Zone, and the southern New Construction Zone. They meet an infamous Guild lawyer who believes he is close to uncovering something big involving the M&SU… as well as possible Arcanists. What the Fated believe to be a simple protection job soon throws them into the center of a conspiracy larger than anything they could have imagined. Sticking one’s nose where it doesn’t belong rarely ends well, especially in a place like Malifaux City.
Days Without Accident is available right now on DriveThruRPG for $15!
Now, we know you don’t take previews for granite, so let’s get rolling like a stone! This week we have the Surveyors: gneiss chaps with chips on their shoulders that will boulder you over for being sedimentary and not playing some Malifaux! They use their Surveyor’s Tools to basalt their targets while using metamorph-antastic Hooked Chain to make enemies quake in fear. Marble at those Triggers, too! With Surveyors on your side, you’re sure to slate up some victories.