Goatboy’s 40K: Assassins, Inquisitors & 9th Edition

Goatboy here again and it doesn’t look too rough to be an Imperium player right now. Let’s talk about the new Inquisitorial toys.
With the add on of the new Assassin rules and the upcoming update for the Inquisition rules – an Imperium player can easily update and change their force without having to worry about blowing some of your Command Points or take a somewhat worthless detachment. My thoughts are is this a good thing? Is it too powerful or are the rules presented just fine and lets you build some of the older style armies we loved from past editions.
Assassins & Inquisitors
The latest true set of rules was the update to the Assassins in the recent War of the Spider. They really didn’t change up – other than having an new Strat that lets you swap an Assassin you purchased for a different assassin. That is cool as it does allow you to grab that much needed option if you need to. I would think most armies would like the Callidus as it does some funky stuff to your opponents strats – but a Vindicare can always be useful as well as the anti Psychic option for those pesky smite heavy armies. That new strat was pretty awesome and of course the change in their rules that allow them to slot into a Detachment and not ruin the detachments “rules” if they only have the same buddies throughout the army choice. This is huge and a counterpart to the just updated Inquisition and the extra “heroes” they decided to make from old stories and rule books.
The big question in all of this is an option going to be too good to not take? Right now it doesn’t appear that way – but we’ll see. I think the odd thing in all this is all the Assassins got a point increase so it does make me think these are the new “points” for the options. It also makes me think how all the other new stuff will show up. The Inquisition currently has some interesting rules with a no Overwatch power, some psychic abilities, and some weird Warlord traits. I worry something might sneak in as the book looks to be much more robust than the White Dwarf release. I am hoping most of the overlapping Imperium options remain in the inspirational role by fixing some Leadership issues and not moving them into the whole – lynchpin for an amazing power like massed rerolls or powerful protection options.
After the Inquisition options we have 2 new Characters that are popping up too. The new “saint” with her space elf dancing buddy seem neat. Their rules so far look ok. I could see this new style of unit show up some more with maybe some fabled Space marine heroes or maybe a full rework of the Marine Characters from Forge World.
Speaking of Forgeworld – how do you think they will change? I think the new Knights are how you will see the options shift up. I also expect the “Chapters” without models might go away as they don’t sell any of them. So why make new rules of them? I bet all the weird Mortal Wound stuff will move away, some new idea for odd weapons will suffice, and then the options all will just be a bit more expensive for something a bit weird. I am just waiting on the Drill and Dreadclaw as those are the new things that could become very powerful for Death Guard depending on how the rules end up. Oh and those point costs. The smart money says to expect a nerf across the board to deal with all the Forge World rules wackiness in one fell swoop.
The Future
What characters do you want to see show up? Do you think there should be more “non legion/chatper/etc” options that don’t break an armies group they are part of? I know we have Ghazghul for the Xenos and I expect the Silent king to fall into the same sort of option we see for the other “big” monster armies. The Sisters have a few that don’t work with any specific group but somehow effect all the groups so that could be neat? I just always worry about rules being too important to a build type but I love the idea of having a more customizable force to play with.
Speaking of these non legion stuff – do you think buildings/terrain will just be something you can get for free or just add on to a detachment for no CP points? Sometime like one per army so we don’t have things like 3 of the new Sisters terrain piece who cover a good portion of the table and most likely have Obscure and a ton of other crazy rules? Do we make them free like they are for AoS or do we leave them with the mentioned point costs? I don’t like the idea of them taking up a detachment and now costing you Command points. Will just have to wait and see.
Until then we are just waiting to start playing the new edition!