GW Rumor Engine: Getting Your Hooks In

The newest Rumor Engine is here and it’s ready for one weird fishing trip.
It’s Tuesday and that means it’s time for a new Rumor Engine. This one is extra weird for reason that will be clear upon further inspection.
“As if there’s not enough incredible stuff coming out to get excited about, now you can get even more excited about something that’ll come out later! Take a look at this week’s Rumour Engine pic to see what we mean.”
So what are we looking at? Well we’ve got some strange curls going on here and inside those curls are metal hooks. My first thought was that we were looking at either hair or cloth. But who would put hooks in their own hair? If you did manage to hook something that could be extremely painful as it would tug at your own head. Then I remembered it’s could be the Grimdark and it kind of made sense.
If I were to place a bet I’d either go with the Drukhari or the future Shadow Aelves releases.
Khainite Shadowstalkers
Drukhari Wyches
I could easily see this teaser be from either army. Ultimately we’ll find out later but for now we’ll just have to keep guessing.
Alright Internet – you know the drill. Let us know your best guesses in the comments.