GW Rumor Engine: Grab The Key

Someone grab the key and take a guess at what it unlocks in this new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop.
Well this is an interesting one for sure. There isn’t much to go on besides a Bird, a key, and a bit of rubble – take a look for yourself:
“It’s time for the most MYSTERIOUS day of the week – Rumour Engine day! Peer into the future with this tiny glimpse at an upcoming model…”
It’s an interesting bit for sure. It could just be a part of a model’s basing or background. It’s a little hard to tell if the bird is stone or if it’s supposed to be alive thanks to the fact that it’s all greyscale. The key is also interesting because it looks like it’s painted to be a metal. And the bird is a different tone than the rubble it’s perched on. Plus the bird doesn’t look like it’s part of that rubble as it’s claws aren’t chipped like the stone.
My guess is the bird is alive and has retrieved this key. So is it a Grimdark key and is this a cyber-raven that belongs to some Inquisitor? Or is it a key to the Mortal Realms and does this bird have something to do with Age of Sigmar? I’m not entirely sure and I’d like to find out.
Maybe it’s just part of some new Terrain kit! I don’t know if GW has teased those before but it could happen. Sometimes, they sit on these Rumor Engines for months at a time and this could be one of those Engines. I guess we’ll have to wait and see…
If you’ve got a guess drop it in the comments because we’re just as curious to find out!